How to write a science research paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Definition and Examples of Edited American English
Definition and Examples of Edited American English Altered American English is an assortment of Standard American English utilized in many structures ofâ academic composing. It is likewise called Standard Written English (SWE). Altered English ordinarily alludes to composing that has been set up supposed to be available for public viewing in print (rather than internet composing). The Brown University Corpus of Edited American English (BUC) contains roughly one million expressions of present-day altered American English. Avoided from this corpus are any types of communicated in English just as words found in section, dramatization, and logical composition. Discourse Altered American English is the form of our language that has come to be the standard for composed open talk for papers and books and for the majority of the keeping in touch with you do in school and at work... Where did this portrayal of Edited American English originate from? It is the work during that time of numerous grammarians, numerous writers of course books and word references, numerous editors who have willingly volunteered to portray and now and again to recommend the variant of English utilized by the compelling journalists and speakers of their day. Those scholars and speakers dont state I dont have no cash and He dont like me and I aint going-in any event not in their open talk. They state I dont have any cash and He doesnt like me and Im not going, so those structures are the ones that get remembered for the punctuation books and utilization manuals as the norm. (Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar, fifth ed. Allyn and Bacon, 1998)For understud ies, Edited American English comprises of the language utilized in formal composed reports, for instance, in course papers, assignments, and research projects. The thorough altering required for those assignments isn't as fundamental in progressively casual composition, for example, diary sections, freewriting, web journals, and first drafts. (Ann Raimes and Susan Miller-Cochran, Keys for Writers, seventh ed. Wadsworth, Cengage, 2014) Instances of Usage in EAE: Singulars and Plurals​ Altered American English and most preservationist American analysis demand that the particular things kind, way, sort, type, style, and way should be adjusted by solitary demonstratives (this/that sort or way or sort or style or way)â and that ordinarily each will be trailed by an of expression with a solitary article (this sort of pooch, that way of babble, that kind of difficulty, this kind of book, along these lines of composing). Further, these equivalent preservationist American gauges demand that when kind, way, sort, type, way, and such are plural, at that point the first demonstratives and any consider things serving objects of the accompanying relational words should likewise be plural: these sorts of studies, those sorts of sonnets, these sorts of planes. In any case, when the accompanying objects of the relational word are mass things, they might be particular, as in those sorts of rock, those kinds of sand, these perspectives. Whatever the American Edited English measure s request, be that as it may, British English and American Conversational and Informal uses obviously show a full scope of mixes of singulars and plurals... (The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. Columbia University Press, 1993)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis on Gender Discrimination Free Essays
Do you ever ask why your folks never make your sister cut the grass or perhaps in the event that you are a female, your folks consequently make you wash dishes? Mothers get their girl†s ears pierced at age two yet won't let their children get their ears pierced until they are out of the house. What gives? These are instances of how choices depend on whether you are male or female, also called sexual orientation inclination. As a result of their sex, individuals don't land positions they are all around qualified for, are paid lower compensation, and are neglected for work advancements and numerous different chances. We will compose a custom paper test on Examination on Gender Discrimination or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now Sexual orientation segregation is surrounding us; you can discover it all over the place. Sexual orientation separation is a progressing issue in the Fox Valley, the province of Wisconsin, and the United States. Samantha Miller and Mark Dagostino report a case of this segregation at Boston College. They clarify that for as long as a quarter century, Mary Daly, 70, has banned men from her classes, demanding that her female understudies learn better without male interruptions. â€Å"The purpose of my group is that there be where ladies can make our considerations and our own way of thinking, unhampered by man centric invasions,†Daly expressed. â€Å"It†s not about segregation at all.†Boston College as of late terminated Daly when she dismissed the school†s final proposal to concede men after a male understudy took steps to sue the school asserting Daly was disregarding government law. Boston College authorities keep up Daly†s position disregarded the milestone 1972 Title IX enactment that bars sexual orientation segregation at schools accepting government reserves (1). She may have valid justifications for needing an all-female class, yet the law states everyone is qualified for an equivalent open door for instruction. Sexual orientation separation goes back similar to Adam and Eve. Would you be able to envision the world beginning with a lady in charge? As sexual orientation segregation kept on attacking all parts of life, the administration started to step in. Laws were passed so ladies could cast a ballot and become open authorities. President Richard M. Nixon marked Title IX of the Federal Education Law in 1972 that restricted sexual orientation separation in classes. Barbara Bitters reports there are schools in Wisconsin that are not conforming to the law since they despite everything have separate boys†and girls†ensembles. Little Chute High School, a little network situated in northeastern Wisconsin, has a women†s†ensemble. Is it accurate to say that they are in consistence? Jean Beschta, an Appleton secondary school direction advocate, recalls when the law was passed in the seventies. â€Å"There were a great deal of apprehensive dads who were stressed what might befall their young men on the off chance that somebody acquainted them with cookbooks, plans, and dish towels.†Some of Wisconsin†s notable universities are likewise fighting with sex predisposition. Julie Sneider from the Business Journal Serving Greater Milwaukee announced an investigation done in 1998 that shows just twenty-five percent of Marquette†s full-time residency track workforce are ladies, and just six of the school†s one hundred and fourteen employees with full teacher status are ladies. The government has scrutinized UW-Madison for not bringing the quantity of female workforce closer to the quantity of female understudies who establish the greater part of the understudy body. Gwen Carleton from the Capital Times reports some portion of the issue is that a large number of the dignitaries and overseers settling on recruiting choices keep on accepting ladies are unfit or uninterested in staff positions. How are we getting along as a country? The Capital Times, refers to an investigation discharged by the AFL-CIO, showing that Wisconsin is among the most noticeably awful states for a sex pay hole among all day laborers. â€Å"Across the country, ladies win 74 pennies for each dollar earned by men. A regular lady in Wisconsin acquires 69 pennies for each man†s dollar, or $193 less per week,†(1). The U.S. President Bill Clinton stated, â€Å"Equal pay is certifiably not a policy driven issue. It isn't so much as a sex issue. It is, on the most fundamental level, a national issue, a family issue, and a matter of head †an issue of what sort of nation we need America to be today, and in the twenty-first century,†(Zadrozmy). In the event that our own leader thinks equivalent compensation among both genders isn†t a political issue, whose issue right? Sexual orientation inclination is seen at all levels however without the help of laws to implement equity between the genders, what should be possible? Every one of us as people needs to do our part. Vote to keep government officials in office that favor uniformity for people in all parts of their lives †equivalent business opportunity, equivalent rights to decent training, equivalent compensation for a similar activity, etc. Bolster schools that offer equivalent open doors for their instructors and understudies paying little heed to their sexual orientation. Show your kids to keep receptive outlooks and not judge individuals and their capacities by whether they are male or female. In particular, base your choices without letting inclination meddle with your result. Step by step instructions to refer to Analysis on Gender Discrimination, Papers
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
10 Ways to Guarantee More Sales and Conversions
10 Ways to “Guarantee†More Sales and Conversions All businesses exist for one sole purpose â€" generating revenue. If your business is not generating revenue, then you have no business being in business.Well, here’s the thing.To generate revenue, you need to attract leads, and then convert these leads into customers.This is why business owners spend lots of time and effort doing things such as setting up and optimizing their sales funnel, performing A/B tests, optimizing their page design, creating compelling copy for their landing pages and squeeze pages, optimizing call to action buttons, getting testimonials from previous customers, and so on.All this is done in a bid to improve the conversion rate.While all the above tactics can help boost your conversion rate, there is only one thing that truly matters when it comes to converting a lead into a paying customer.Before a customer decides to buy, they want a guarantee that they will get what they expected after making the purchase.The customer’s expectation depends on the cu stomer and what you are selling.For some, they expect that the purchase will allow them to achieve certain results.Others expect that the purchase will make them happy, and yet others expect to get gratification from the purchase.However, they all want to avoid one thing â€" feeling regret after making the purchase.Most customers will never make a purchase if there is a chance that they might end up regretting the purchase.Sure, you know that you are selling a great product or service and that your customers are unlikely to regret making the purchase.However, there is one problem.Your prospective customers don’t know that. You have to convince them that they will not regret making the purchase.If you can do that, most customers won’t have a problem giving you their money. Question is, how do you do that?The key to convincing prospective customers that they won’t regret making a purchase is to give them guarantees that silence their doubts and get them to trust you.In this arti cle, let’s take a look at 10 awesome guarantees that you can use to increase customers’ trust in your products and services and thereby guarantee yourself more sales and conversions.STANDARD GUARANTEESBelow are some of the most commonly used customer guarantees:1. The Money Back Guarantee You have probably heard about the money back guarantee, because it is the most commonly used kind of customer guarantee. It has even gotten to a point where most customers view the money back guarantee as a right, rather than a benefit.The money back guarantee is not a new thing.The earliest documented version of the money back guarantee happened back in 1868 and was introduced by one J. R. Watkins.Watkins was a door-to-door salesman selling home-cooked natural remedies.At the time, his product was virtually unknown in the market place, and customers were reluctant to spend their money on a product they didn’t know, and were not even sure if it worked.To allay his customers’ fears, Watkins offered a full refund if they did not like the product.Many people ended up buying the product, and his approach became such a huge success that his products are still on sale today.Ever since then, millions of business owners have used the same approach to reduce customers’ perceived risk of their products.The money back guarantee has a number of advantages. First, it gets new customers to try a product. This is very important, especially when your product or service is still new in the market.After all, if they don’t like your product, they know that they’ll get their money back. They won’t have lost their money on a useless product.Second, the fact that you are offering a 100% money back guarantee gives credibility to your product or service.It shows that you have so much trust in your product or service that you are willing to stand behind it with a full refund.This perception of credibility is even more powerful than the potential for customers to get their money back.W hat’s more, if you have a really great product, only a handful of customers will ever need to invoke the money back guarantee.Before using the money back guarantee, you should make sure that your product is as great as you claim, and that you have a system in place to handle any complaints that come in.If you offer a money back guarantee, but then make it excruciatingly difficult for customers to get a refund, this could do great damage to your brand.2. Risk Free Guarantee Source: Adco HearingThe risk free guarantee is almost similar to the money back guarantee, but they apply in different contexts.The risk free guarantee works best with products and services that have a high cost, products and services with wonderful but unproven claims, as well as products and services that require recurring billings. The risk free guarantee is commonly referred to as free trials.With the risk free guarantee, you give the prospective customers a chance to try out the product before they commit to buying.They do not even have to give you their money upfront, which means there is absolutely no risk to them.If they don’t like the product, they can just walk away. If they like it, they can then go ahead to make the purchase.This pushes a prospective customer from considering a product or service to actually giving it a try.3. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Source: EartheasyThe 100% satisfaction guarantee is a more recent approach to customer guarantees, and it combines aspects of both the money back and the risk free guarantees.With the 100% satisfaction guarantee, rather than simply promising to refund a customer or giving them a risk free chance to try out your product, you create a win-win situation by giving them an offer that is beneficial to the customer and to your business.With the 100% satisfaction guarantee, you are promising that you will do everything within your means to make sure that the customer is happy with their purchase.This means that, in the event that your customer is not satisfied with the purchase, you get another chance to salvage the sale by either giving them a replacement or upselling something else to them.From the customer’s point of view, not only does the 100% satisfaction guarantee reduce their risk, it also ensures that they will get the result they expected when making the purchase.By guaranteeing their satisfaction, you are in effect assuring them that the customer that they will not regret the purchase.Some great examples of companies that effectively take advantage of the 100% satisfaction guarantee are Inkd and Hampton Inn.For Inkd, the 100% satisfaction guarantee means that they will continue working on a client’s logo until they get it right and the client is satisfied.For the Hampton Inn, guests who are dissatisfied with the experience do not have to pay a thing.However, owing to the quality of their overnight experience, only a handful of guests ever invoke this guarantee.What’s more, the feedback given by such clients helps the hotels provide an even better experience.4. The Forever Guarantee Source: Polar BottlesAlso referred to as a lifetime warranty, the forever guarantee is one of the greatest approaches to silencing your customers’ objections and doubts about buying your products.With a forever guarantee, you are basically making a promise to the customer that they will never need to buy another product to perform the same task again in their life.For instance, if a TV manufacturer gives you a forever guarantee, it means that they trust that their TV will never get damaged, and are willing to give you a replacement in case it ever gets damaged â€" not within one, five, or ten years.Forever.With such a guarantee, would you buy a TV anywhere else?Examples of companies that offer forever guarantees include Cutco (a knife maker), Polar Bottle (a water bottle company), Jansport (a backpack maker), and Manduka (a yoga mat company).If you buy a product from a company that offers a forever guarantee, the company will always fix the product for you whenever it gets damaged, and in the event that they are unable to do that, they’ll give you a replacement.One of the greatest benefits of offering a forever guarantee is that is instills great trust in the customer.You are essentially telling your customers that you have so much trust in your product that you are willing to give them a free replacement if it ever gets damaged.This lets the customer know that they are not on their own in case they actually find something wrong with your product.Before offering a forever guarantee, however, you should make sure that you have a product that is so good that it will never need to be replaced.If you offer a lifetime guarantee with a low quality product, a significant chunk of your revenue will go to issuing replacements.To avoid having unscrupulous people abusing the forever warranty, you can put some limitations in the lifetime warranty policy.5. Low Price GuaranteeSource: Hotels.comCustomers don’t like getting ripped off. They want to know that they got an item for the lowest price possible.This means that customers will find a product they are looking for but still continue looking since they are trying to find a lower price.If they do not find the item for a lower price, but find the item for a similar price as yours elsewhere, they will probably buy from there, because there’s no point in coming back to your shop when the price is similar.You can prevent such customers from walking away to look elsewhere by offering a low price guarantee.With a low price guarantee, you are basically guaranteeing the customers that what you are offering is the lowest price they are going to find for the product.If the customer finds the item on sale at another establishment for a lower price, you promise to give the customer a refund of the difference.In most cases, the low price guarantee comes with a time limit, which is usually about 30 days.This means that if the customer is able to get a lower price within 30 days, they will get a refund of the difference in price. However, no refunds are offered once the time limit has elapsed.Examples of companies that offer lowest price guarantees include Amazon, Best Buy, Hotwire and Living Spaces.6. Free Versus Paid VersionsThe freemium business model has become so popular today that it has become a basic customer expectation. You will notice that a lot of companies such as Dropbox, Spotify, CloudApp, Mailchimp, and Evernote are using this model.With the freemium business model, businesses create a free and a premium or paid version of their product or service (the term freemium is a mashup of the words free and premium).The free version is free for anyone to use, usually for an unlimited time.However, this version does not give access to all of the product or service’s features.To get access to these features, users have to upgrade to the paid version.The image below shows how the freemium model is applied by some popular companies. Source: AppSamuraiRemember, we saw that customers will avoid making a purchase if they think that they might end up regretting the purchase. With the freemium model, you give the customer a chance to experience your product or service without any pressure to buy.The idea here is that the free version will provide enough value for the customer that they will be spurred to upgrade to the premium version to take advantage of all your product’s features.Since the customer has already seen what the free version of your product can do, they are unlikely to regret paying for the full version which gives them access to more advanced features (in most cases, free users can see these features, but do not have the ability to access them).The freemium model is the number one driver of growth in revenue for mobile apps.OUT OF THE BOX GUARANTEESThe guarantees we have looked at above are quite popular.You have probably encountered them severally. However, they are not the only customer guarantees .Some businesses are taking an unorthodox approach to quell customer doubts and guarantee more sales and conversions. Some out of the box customer guarantees include:7. The Extreme GuaranteeIt is impossible to talk about customer guarantees without talking about Zappos. The shoe company offers a “Free shipping, free returns, free 365 day return†guarantee.This means that if you purchase some shoes from Zappos but then realize that you do not like the shoes, you can send them back for a full refund.What’s even crazier is that you can hold onto the shoes for a whole year before deciding to return them back.On top of that, you don’t even have to cover for the costs of return shipping. Zappos does all that for you.As far as customer guarantees go, this is extreme as it can get. Sometimes, Zappos will even take back slightly worn shoes.Sure, they might not be able to resell these shoes, but on the flip side, this customer will probably remain loyal to Zappos for life.This extreme return policy has helped turn Zappos into one of the most popular online shoe and clothing retailer, with over $1 billion in sales per year.You can use a similar guarantee if you have products that people need to experience or test before making the purchase.However, if you are going to offer such a guarantee, it is advisable to put some limitations to the guarantee to prevent people from abusing it.8. Free Access To Competitor’s Product GuaranteeImagine you want to purchase a product or a service, but you are not sure whether it is the right one for you, or whether it will help you achieve the results you are looking for.As you are scrolling through the internet, you come across someone who is selling exactly what you are looking for.Someone about their guarantee catches your attention.This company promises that if you buy the product for them, they guarantee you that you will achieve the results you are looking for.If you don’t see the expected results after a specified amoun t of time, not only will they give you a full refund, but they will also allow you to choose the competitor whose product you want to try next and buy the product for you.With such a guarantee, would you buy the product elsewhere? Highly unlikely.Such a guarantee shows that the seller is highly confident in whatever they are selling.Not only do they know that their products deliver results, they also know that they do it better than their competitors.If you have such confidence in your products or services, you can give this guarantee a try.9. The Double GuaranteeWe have already seen that giving a guarantee is the best way to put to rest customer doubts and build trust in your products.Well, what if you took it a notch higher and offered not one, but two guarantees combined together?This kind of guarantee works especially well with information products.For instance, you could combine the money back guarantee and the 100% satisfaction guarantee. Here’s how this would work:Guarantee #1With the first guarantee, you give the customer a chance to examine your product and ascertain that it is actually worth their time and attention.For instance, if you are selling a training course, this guarantee allows them to take a look at the contents of the course and confirm if they think what is contained in the course will help them.If the customer feels that the contents of your course will not be helpful to them, they can ask for a refund. This guarantee will typically come with a time limit.Guarantee #2Sometimes, a customer might look at the contents of a training course and assume that what is contained in the course will help them, only to realize that the training does not work after they start putting it into practice.To allay such fears, you can offer a second guarantee that if the client puts into practice everything taught within your course and does not achieve the expected results, you’ll refund them two times the cost of your training course for wasting the ir time.With such a double guarantee, you are basically letting the customer know that there’s no way they will regret making the purchase.To make such a guarantee, however, you need to make sure that your product is 100% effective in delivering results.10. The Million Dollar Service Guarantee Source: LifelockThis is another quite extreme guarantee that I have seen being used by Lifelock, a company that promises to protect its clients from identity theft at all costs.If a Lifelock customer finds themselves as a victim of identity theft due to a defect or failure on the part of Lifelock, Lifelock reimburses such a customer any funds stolen as a direct result of the identity theft up to a limit of $1 million.In addition, if you need to hire lawyers, investigators, or other experts as part of dealing with the identity theft, Lifelock covers these costs up to a limit of $1 million. With such a guarantee, would you have any doubts about purchasing their services?Offering such a guarantee can be a great way of increasing your customers’ trust in your products or services. Of course, you don’t have to offer a $1 million guarantee like Lifelock.You can adjust the amount to match your products or services and what they are supposed to do for your customers.Before offering such a guarantee, make sure that your product or service is so good that most customers won’t have to invoke this guarantee.WRAPPING UPBefore making a purchase, every customer wants the assurance that they are not going to regret making the purchase.If you can give customers this assurance, you will no doubt see more sales and conversions. Giving guarantees to your customers is the perfect way to do this.If you haven’t been using customer guarantees on your business, consider offering one of the 10 guarantees covered in this article and let us know how it impacts your business.If none of this suits your business, you can get more creative and come up with your own special guarantee that will put your customers’ minds at ease as they purchase from you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Vampire Vs. Vampire Myth - 2146 Words
Vampires within literature and film traditionally follow a similar archetype of what a vampire consists of and the traits they harbor. Many European and Western vampire narratives share similar appearances, habits and afflictions. Most readers and viewers are extensively familiar with what they believe a vampire to be most often comparing these vampires to Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Dracula is the quintessential example of modern vampires and has a significant and lasting impact on the genre of vampires both from the novel and subsequent films. Simply put, most individuals are familiar with the traditional vampire, who is generally a fair skinned male that drinks the blood from victim’s necks with sharp pointy fangs. These vampires are most often depicted as being fearful of Christian symbolism, being deterred with crosses and holy water. Traditional vampire novels provide a framework that fill us with preconceived notions of what it means to be a vampire yet there are many examples of the vampire myth within other novels that attempt to turn this narrative on it’s head and change what we believe to be a true vampire. This archetypal vampire exists differently in many cultures around the world and every society has a different conception of what a vampire is. The myth of the vampire allows individuals to connect with a dark, mysterious part of themselves. This myth is often associated with sexuality and gender roles, showing a development over time. Due to the fact thatShow MoreRelatedThe Narrative Of The New Zealand1495 Words  | 6 Pageslives of three vampires, Viago, Deacon and Vladislav as they struggle to try to cope with the complexities of modern life. Living in a flat in Wellington, these modern day vampires are faced with the mundanities of everyday life, and things such as paying rent, trying to get into nightclubs and overcoming flatmate conflicts prove to be extremely difficult. What We Do in the Shadows is unique in that it co mbines parody and cinematography, while also using a mixture of two genres, vampire and mockumentaryRead MoreVampire Existence1641 Words  | 7 PagesVampire existence Almost each nation has legends about vampires that rummage people at night and drink their blood. In these legends, vampires are brutal, heartless, half-decayed creatures. For example, Slavic mythology has a belief that a vampire won’t get out of grave if you throw some corn inside. The vampire will count corns all night long. But the image of a vampire has changed. Today it is an mysterious sexy superstar that kept its peculiar traits: love of blood, hate for garlic, and fearRead MoreThe Romantic Period Stressed Instincts, Affection, and Love1422 Words  | 6 Pagesfigure of the vampire in nineteenth century English literature The folkloric traditional vampire vs. nineteenth century vampire: The transition from myth to metaphor In order to advance our understanding of the figure of the vampire in nineteenth-century English literature, this research section will rely on a study entitled â€Å"The Real History of Vampires†conducted by Gmarlett to identify the difference between traditional folkloric vampires and the vampires of the nineteenth-century vampires. GmarlettRead MoreDracula Archibald Constable And Company 261217 Words  | 5 Pages2) Copyright Date 1897, Horror fiction/Gothic fiction. This story was written in the 15th Century, during the Victorian time period. The three characteristics it portrays are good and evil, not to judge someone before you know them and man vs. himself 3) Man Vs. Himself There are clear clashes between characters; in any case, the focal clash is amongst man and his feelings of trepidation. Dracula really speaks to malice; he is a forcing character who is startling in both appearance and in his deedsRead MoreEssay on Dracula and the Modern Vampire1622 Words  | 7 PagesDracula, the original vampire. Bram Stoker’s famous novel Dracula, which was written in 1897, started the vampire craze that still lasts today. It has sparked numerous novels, movies, and songs across the world through the year, and its popularity is still growing. As times have changed, so have Dracula and his predecessors. Dracula is about Count Dracula meeting this human Jonathan Harker for business and Jonathan along with his friends learn that Count Dracula is a vampire. In the end Count DraculaRead MoreBram Stoker s Dracula And Richard Matheson s I Am Legend2160 Words  | 9 PagesStoker’s Dracula and Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend, the mythical horror creatures, the vampires, have many differences in their mythical abilities, functionality and origin; however, they both serve to underline themes that remind the reader of what makes us human and what defines us as ultimately good or evil. Stoker’s Count Dracula is the product of a religious strike against the antagonist whereas the vampires in I Am Legend are a product of mankind’s scientific ignorance and indifference. Due toRead MoreLiterary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula2026 Words  | 9 PagesVampire stories introduce the reader to mystery and suspense and also very interesting effects, but did you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms such as gothic and romantics are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Drac ula. These terms are the mostRead MoreLiterary Elements Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1994 Words  | 8 PagesVampire stories are full of mystery and suspense and also very interesting, but did you know that the story of Dracula has plenty of literary elements that better help the reader analyze and understand the story better than before. Dracula is a Vampire/Victorian book that expresses a lot of elements for example: symbolism. Literary terms are terms used to discuss, classify, and analyze novels, poetry, and books like Dracula. These terms are the most important aspects in a piece of work. ThroughoutRead MoreHow I Read Literature Like A Professor Notes3177 Words  | 13 Pagesolder figures violated younger girls †¢ The vampire leaves his mark on the victim/ steals innocence †¢ The vampire is corrupted with older values †¢ Victim gets stripped away of youth, energy and virtue †¢ Death/destruction of victim †¢ Vampirism symbols- selfishness and exploitation †¢ Scary things (ghosts, vampires, etc.) symbolize various aspects of our more common reality †¢ Ghosts and vampires are always about something other than their selves †¢ Vampires and ghosts gain strength by weakening someoneRead MoreTwilight: Book vs. Movie Essay example2328 Words  | 10 PagesTwilight: Book vs. Movie When comparing the book Twilight, written by Stephanie Meyers, with the movie Twilight, screenplay written by Melissa Rosenberg and produced by Catherine Hardwicke, there are multiple visual differences between the two. Some important scenes were changed or even omitted from the original text, leaving noticeable gaps in the movie’s plot. There are big and important differences, which are obvious, while there are also less important differences between them such as names
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Personal Experience Senior Synthesis - 1229 Words
Grey lights filled the already cold room. The constant beeps and clicks from the machines against the wall scraped away at the silence that hardened the air. Every once in a while the beeps would get faster, and then fall back down to a steady, rhythmic pace. A small, frail girl lay motionless in the center of a white hospital bed. Her mouth propped slightly open with various tubes running down her throat, and hands connected to the machines through an elaborate arrangement of cords and needles. The warmth had already escaped her body, and to the touch, she was just as cold as the room. Curled up tightly in a chair next to her, I sat patiently and held her cold hand, as I spoke softly into her ear. I never thought I would have ended up here, in a small room with my mom, next to the body of my dying grandma. But I was. It was Tuesday, March 26, 2013 and my family and I were getting our suitcases ready for that Thursday, when we would drive two hours to see my grandma and celebrate my sister’s birthday and Easter, which was on the 31st. The day started out like any other Tuesday. My siblings and I woke up early and begrudgingly made our way to school, where we would stay for seven hours (if we were lucky) and then anxiously count down the seconds until the closing prayer came on the speakers and released us for the day. On our way home, we blasted the music on loud as usual, and turned it back down when we pulled into the driveway. Once I got to the front door, turned theShow MoreRelatedEffective Knowledge Sharing Process And Procedure For Train And Prepare The New Work Shifts1623 Words  | 7 Pagesimportant drivers in the ‘actor’ domain include motivation, morale, actor performance, attitude, roles, capabilities, opportunities to create social value, freedom of choice, skills, communication, knowledge, and so on. 1. New Employees 2. On job experience holder employees 3. Business Customer (US clients) Process What are being done? Process is important for the success of an organization. A well structured process can define the future of the organization in terms of performance, customer satisfactionRead MoreSexual Orientation Identity And Its Influence On Student Development1376 Words  | 6 Pages Fassinger, 1996). Fassinger’s Model was developed in an attempt to address the critiques of previously existing models. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alternative Means of Transportation Free Essays
Guilherme Cesa Academic Writing Sara Rayfield 04/18/2012 Instead of Horns, Voice Today, most of the big cities centralize interests in improving and encouraging the private means of transportation instead of public. Driving a car can be very comfortable and pleasant, but it causes serious problems. Because of this, we all must change our mind about the ways we move daily and find different ways for locomotion. We will write a custom essay sample on Alternative Means of Transportation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mobility is a very exciting thing; the feeling of freedom that it gives can be very rewarding. An example of that is the way society found to punish people: we put them in a prison and do not allow them to move for days, months or years. It is evident and natural that everybody needs to move around daily, whether it is to go to work or go to the supermarket. The most popular way of personal transportation in modern society is the car. A car represents much more than just a way of transportation. The idea of having a car these days transcends the basic idea of mobility; an automobile represents status and wealth while using alternative ways for transport such as bus, train, or bicycle are depreciated by society as being worse. Looking at how society chooses to move within its territory can reveal a lot of things about what type of society it is. Giving priority to cars means not prioritizing the greater good; it is a selfish way of thinking. More cars being driven means more roads and parking lots, fewer public spaces and green areas, more traffic jams, and pollution. On the places that were supposed to have sidewalks, we now see a wide avenue, the park turned into a parking lot. Gradually, the cities are becoming a place adjusted for the cars instead of the dwellers. As many of the problems that vehicles may cause, the most discussed nowadays is the global warming. The air pollution made by cars and fossil fuel dependents increase the moisture level of the air, which causes the greenhouse effects. The pollution forms a layer around the atmosphere that makes the heat be reradiated from the surface to the atmosphere, causing the global warming. However, hope still exists for Planet Earth by the limitation of usage and dependency on fossil fuels. Besides the main problem that cars cause for the environment, cars nowadays are much cleaner than before, the problem is that we have a lot more cars being driven on the streets and polluting the earth. In addition, cars demand a large amount of raw material to be made and they produce a lot of waste. While driving the automobile, it is not only polluting gas that is being produced, it also affects the ground and water when the tires wear out and fluids, such as battery oil and gasoline, spill from the car. Alternative forms of transportation such as walking and bicycling for short distances, and train, subway, trolley, light rail, bus, and car pooling for longer distances may be a good solution to solve a lot of problems. It will not only help in the amount of pollution in the atmosphere but also would bring benefits in other aspects of our lives; we would save money, it would reduce other types of pollution such as water, land and noise, it would give us a better quality of life, we would spend less time in stressful traffic and the cities would become a more pleasant place to live in. Of course it is very difficult to convince people not to use their cars since we have an inexistent public transportation program; no buses, no trains, no bike lanes, and bad sidewalks. Once the authorities start improving the methods of transportation as well as promoting them, people will begin to see the advantages of changing one to another. Studies from the company EMBARQ have shown that cities can reduce up to 30% of the vehicular traffic over the next 3 to 5 years if improving the public transportation. A good example that this improvement can cause big effects in cities is the Los Angeles Metro promotion; their urban transportation system authorities are making an innovating campaign for the city. In order to reduce the traffic, clean the air and make their lives less stressful, Los Angeles’ transit authorities start trying to convince people about the benefits of using public transportation. The way they found to do so was improving as much as possible the service quality offered for metro and buses lines, making them cleaner and more comfortable. Then they worked to improve the image of it and get people out of their cars. They made buses appear more attractive with colorful paints and redesigned the metro stations with paint arts and music. At least, they started working on a marketing campaign to convince people to use their services and encouraging Angelinos to leave the car need. Another facet of public mobility that could replace the use of cars is cycling and walking. Better sidewalks and bike lines as well as providing free bikes rentals as many cities in Europe do would attract more people to use these means of transportation. Walking and cycling can be a very pleasant way to move from one place to another in short distances and the gains that it causes are numerous. It gives people a slower-pace routine, and using legs to ride a bike or walk is a very good exercise that improves a lot the body and mental health, it is free and can help to save a lot of money in gasoline and transport fares. It is also a pro-environment way of transportation that does not pollute, it helps to make a more attractive and green city where people can interact with others and with the city environment around them. As a conclusion, changing one way of transportation to another is an action that takes long to happen and it takes a lot of effort both from authorities and citizens. However, if it be done, it will bring positive results for the whole society. The cities would become a better place to live, with streets populated by people and not by cars. Work Cited Network, EMBARQ. â€Å"LA Metro: Promoting Mass Transport†Vimeo. 04 January 2010. Web. 19 April 2012. Pawley, Martin. â€Å"The War Against Car†Open Democracy. Globalization Transport. 8 May 2012. Web. 19 April 2012. How to cite Alternative Means of Transportation, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Five Forces Analysis for Mobile Telecommunication in Australia
Question: Discuss about theFive Forces Analysisfor Mobile Telecommunication in Australia. Answer: Introduction Five forces analyses also known as Porters Five Forces model refers to a framework whose aim is to investigate the various levels of competition within an industry and used to develop a business strategy (Porter 2008). This depends on industrial organizational economics that determines the competitiveness and profitability of an industry. This analysis was developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard University (Grundy, 2006). He came up with this analysis in relation to then SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness Opportunities, and Threats) that he established not being accurate and provisional. This forces or the microenvironment as referred to as by Porter, consist of forces that affect the ability of an industry to deliver to its customers and generate profits. (Barton and Teicher, 1999). Any adjustment of these factors makes the industry re-evaluates its market given the overall change in industry information. This strategy has been used to the different scope of obstacles; from aiding enterprise making lots of profits to aiding states maintain businesses. This paper will focus the analysis on the telecommunication industry in Australia, the market definition and highlight the five forces and the dangers to the industry. It will also summarize the threats of these forces to the profitability of the business. Five Forces Analyses Five Forces Analysis or Porters five forces that recognize study and help to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an industry are: Rivalry in the trade; Power of the suppliers; Buyers power; Potential of new market players; Substitute products threat. They are further put into two categories of these forces; horizontal and vertical. Horizontal forces include; rivalry/ competition, substitute products threat and the threat of new businesses while Vertical forces include the buyer buying power and supplier power. Industry Overview Telecommunication industry in Australia is performing strongly over the years and the daily innovations provide ground for continued achievement. Telecommunications in Australia covers availability and utilization of electronic services and appliances or devices like telephone, radio, television and computer network, or telemetry with the sole aim of exchanging information and ideas over a distance. Telecommunications is a huge industry made up of three main sectors thus and other three smaller ones that are of increasing in importance: Hardware sector that builds and maintains the infrastructure like fiber-optic cables and as well end user devices like handsets. It comprises of the large international firms and smaller ones which mostly provide final user appliances. Carriage services providers like those supplying telecommunications services for instance internet access to the public using carrier network infrastructure. This includes carriers like Telstra, Optus, Vodafone and Hutchison and many others that own and provide mobile network as well as various resellers and mobile network operators. It is the biggest single section in the mobile telecommunication industry (Fairholm, 2009). Retailers that offer mobile services to final end users on daily for Carriage service providers. Consumers can buy mobile telecommunication services and handsets from different retailers that are branded as well as retailer shops that sell the devices of various ranges of the products. Content providers, program developers, and content aggregators are also of much significance. Content developers establish and supply of entertainment information of phone devices. Content aggregators control numerous content providers and aids like sourcing, reporting, quality control, cross referencing and formatting of multiple streams. Program developers create new uses that create more market opportunity for all the players involved that is content providers, content aggregators as well as themselves. In this study we will confine the frame of the analysis only to the mobile telecommunication. The mobile telecommunication is clearly part of day to day life of individuals, communities and businesses over time. It has changed the way businesses are done by people and management of the lives also represents the scope of the revenue significance of mobile telecommunication as far as the economy at large and the telecommunication industry is concerned. Mobile telecommunication is high cost, high revenue industry that plays an important role in the growth contribution to a wider Australian economy of telecommunication industry. The Industry gross product of mobile telecommunication has greatly increased over the years. It is believed contribute largely to the revenue more than television services that is free to air industry and also more that newspaper publishing and printing sector. The industry contributes majorly to government incomes via the levies and industry specific change also the state industry taxes and standard commonwealth taxes. It is estimated the ongoing industry specific payments by the mobile telecommunications industry to the federal government are in the order of two percent of revenue annually. The industry contributes through compulsory payments and voluntary to support some associations like the telecommunication Industry Ombudsman among others. The increase in demand of the products and services provided by mobile telecommunication, there has been an increase of personnel to deliver quality products and services thus creation of more job opportunities. The mobile telecommunication accounted for 30 per cent of the total telecommunication employment in 2004 -2005. The capital expenditure of the mobile telecommunication has been huge. The industrys capital expenditure to support new network, expansions and upgrades to the existing networks has been continuous over the time. This makes the mobile services available to more populations in different places as well supporting of development of innovation. Mobile telecommunication industry revenues have been significant. In 2004-05, the mobile revenue represented 30 per cent of the total telecommunication revenue. There has been tremendous growth in telecommunications; the traffic in networks growing faster in this time and era and digital technology changing our world. The Industry keeps evolving and advancing daily in technology and communication over the years. The industry developments continue to be driven by competition, innovation and customer wants and needs. Strategies and policies for these industries to stay relevant and profitable in the global market revolve around the Porters Five Forces model (Eom, 2006). Rivalry or Competition in the Industry: High Like other industry, the intensity of competition is the biggest determinant in the telecommunication industry. The competition is stiff majorly because of telecommunication companies supplying relatively similar products. The factors that a rival business may cause include; competition through innovation, high level of advertising, firm concentration ratio, customer analysis, and powerful competition approach among others. The major competitors in the telecommunication industry include Vodafone, Orange, Optus, and Primus among many more others. Buyers and suppliers explore companys competitor if they are unable to get a suitable deal. With the high number of competitors with the same kind of products and services, each different player has had to claim their best position in the telecommunication industry, by delivering excellent customer experiences, excelling in the things they do that they are good at and making changes that ensure their business is sustainable, efficient and pro fitable (Pucko Cater, 2008). Suppliers Bargaining Power: Moderate It is also referred to as market of inputs. The bargaining power is high for sellers of the latest technology and devices. Telecommunication companies cannot afford to lose to the competitors as many of the consumers determine buying of these devices and technologies and sellers of specific items are limited. This includes components, raw materials, labor and services like expertise. Suppliers can easily escalate the prices of goods and services. It is influenced by numbers of the suppliers of key elements of a service or good, the uniqueness and how much it would cost a company to change its supplier (Brown, Fee and Thomas, 2009). If there are few suppliers, the company relies more on a supplier thus the suppliers hold more power. Suppliers may choose not to work with the firm or overprice their unique resources. Some of the potential factors include; the level of differentiation of inputs, weakness and strength of distribution channels, availability of substitute inputs, the cost o f inputs and supplier competition among others ( Aitken Kathryn, 2014). Bargaining Powers of Customers/Buyers: High This is the ability of buyers to affect the prices of a service or commodity; it is also known as market outputs. The buyers can put the industry under duress, which in turn affect buyers awareness in price changes of commodities and services of the firm. The bargaining power of the buyers is high when the relative ease of switching is put into consideration (Kempster, Higgs Wuerz, 2014). Some of the factors the influence the power of the buyers include; gross trading, the uniqueness of the products, availability of existing substitute products, the level of dependency on existing distribution channels, bargaining advantage, customer values studies, availability of information, client or customer base and buyer price sensitivity, among others (Crook and Combs, 2007). It is also influenced by the number of customers or buyers available, how of importance the customer to the industry and the cost of the customer is changing to another company. The fewer the customers, the more power t hey have. Firms may have strategies in place of reducing buyer power like implementing loyalty programs. There are so many similar product and service providers in the industry (Maritz, Pretorius Plant, 2011). The changing or switching in between the service providers is cheaper than before deregulation in 1997 has added pressure to the industry to provide quality products and services which are the key to a bigger clientele base (Eustace Martins, 2014). Potential of New Entrants into the Market: Low Any profitable markets with high yields attract new players in the market. This could decrease the probability of the firms in the industry. In this Industry, there is high barrier to making it possible to enter into the business Some of the various factors that could have an impact on magnitude of the threat of new business players could pose: legislative policies, capital requirements, patent rights, branding, customer loyalty, and accessibility to distribution, retaliation, probability of the industry, difference in products, scales of economies, product difference economies (Gerrand, 2016). The power of a markets new entrants may be weakened as it will find hard to stay in the competition. If an effective competitor uses less money and time to enter into the company market, the more the position of the company may greatly be weakened (Tebogo Steyn, 2015). Substitute Products Threat: Moderate Development and competition in technology have brought about reduced profit margins in the industry. There may be an existing product that could substitute a goods and service offered by one firm that may cause the customers to switch to the alternatives, for example from telephones to over the internet calls, telegrams to emails. Some of the potential factors that play a role with this threat include; buyer willingness to substitute, prices of the substitute, various substitutes available in the market, how easy the substitution is, availability of the substitute, depreciation in standards of the product or service, switching of costs by buyers, There has been a drastic reduction in prices in the market for local and long distance calls and mobile calls. This has led to a reduction in the prices of a range of telecommunication services resulting to reduced profits in the industry (du Preez van Zyl, 2015). Conclusion With the increasing trend of being independent on connected lifestyles, buyers are willing to pay for more unique and different meet these demands the mobile telecommunication have to in place digital technologies and strategies that integrate the core businesses. The telecommunication providers are offering state of the art, reliable and high quality services that are customer friendly with support on websites. The mobile telecommunication dominates the local call market and has a leading hold of a market share of another industry segment, this makes it yield a favorable profit to maintain its Research and Development and maintenance of the network. With market deregulation and profit decreases, mobile telecommunication will suffer a decline in profits. With a cost competitive measure in place, it would be critical for mobile telecommunication to maintain its market share while sustaining profits. In order to reach this strategy, the following essential features are most important factors needed to succeed: Corporate productive structuring by rationalizing business segments, it can definitely reduce operation cost, raise output and reduce the impact of industry environment and improve shareholder value. The human factor is very important. The common perception that involves improvement of staff commitment and customer services, granting customer value-added and integrated services at fairly low prices. Focus on investing in Research and Development and initiating new projects with a potential of making higher profits. Improvement of retail and wholesale sectors which make most of the profits for the Mobile telecommunication industry. Holding on to its market power in the segments by taking advantage of the current network capacity would put Telstra in a better competitive place. Enhancement of network infrastructure and operations that is transparent to the buyers/customers of the business vital measure to attract new customers. Companies such as Telstra believe when more people are connected, many opportunities arise. The main reason of creating connected future for everyone, every day. The customer experiences aim at delighting them by providing best services and products on one of the best networks, service, sales and network support. They aim to build simple and easy to use technology including the countrys fastest and largest mobile provider, thus drive value and growth from the focal point of view. The changes made ensure the focus of the business efficient, can be sustained and make profits putting in mind buyer and returns growth, superior networks and driving productivity by making business simple. The mobile telecommunication strives to serve and knowing its clientele better by offering a choice of digital connection and content. The mobile telecommunication industry dwells on building form the core skills and strengths. International enterprise ventures and expanding the International footprint. Telstra has increased its impact on the businesses in the region in that it currently has an International presence in 22 countries. References Aitken, K. Kathryn, v.T. 2014, "Organisational and leadership competencies for successful service integration", Leadership in Health Services, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 150-180. Barton, R. and Teicher, J., 1999. The consequences of deregulation and privatisation for industrial relations in Telstra. Brown, D.T., Fee, C.E. and Thomas, S.E., 2009. "Financial leverage and bargaining power with suppliers: Evidence from leveraged buyouts." Journal of Corporate Finance, vol.15.pp 196-211. Crook, T.R., and Combs, J.G., 2007. 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