Thursday, October 31, 2019
Quantitative research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Quantitative research - Essay Example Infant Mortality Rate: It is defined as the number of infant deaths in a given year divided by the number of live births in the same year. Normally, it is expressed per 1,000 live births. Or stated otherwise it is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. Infants are children defined as less than one year of age. How does infant mortality rate affect birth rate? About 25,000 infants die each year. The loss of an infant remains a traumatizing reality for many families and takes a serious toll on the health and well-being of the affected families. It also significantly affects demographic structure of a given country. The risk of a child dying before completing the first year of age was highest in the WHO African region (63 per 1000 live births), about six times higher than that in the WHO European region (10 per 1000 live births). 63 deaths per 1000 live births in 1990 to 35 deaths per 1000 live births in 2012. Annual infant deaths have declined from 8.9 million in 1990 to 4.8 million in 2012. What leads to infant mortality rate? Infant mortality rate is significant in that, it is used as an indicator to measure the health and well-being of a nation. This is because the factors affecting the health of the entire populations can also impact adversely on the mortality rate of infants. The keys causes of infant mortality include; 1  Born too small and so prematurely- this are babies born before the completion of the entire gestation period. It’s obvious that such babies are mainten aid in the baby incubators until they achieve the required age. However, it sometimes unfortunate that such babies don’t make it, due to circumstances that above the control of the responsible medics. Victims of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - this is a gracious syndrome that causes abrupt and un-anticipated death of new born babies. At times, such deaths lack medical justification and explanations as to why they
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How can management make nurses feel they are respected and needed when Research Paper
How can management make nurses feel they are respected and needed when money is managements main concern - Research Paper Example Some will be more interested in having their opinion considered, or may want their input to be included more in the running of things. A promotion or promise of more time off to spend with families also shows them that their interests are held valuable (IOM, 2010). Nurses are human, and they all display the human need to feel and be treated special. They need to be shown that their contribution to society is valued and appreciated (Graban, 2009). The management can appreciate nurses in non monetary ways that will motivate them. A study revealed that nurses feel like the martyrs in their organizations (IOM, 2010). They are always the last group to be furnished with information, the first to have a reduction of their training days and yet expected to be available always to ensure new initiatives work smoothly with minimal disturbance to patients’ safety and experience (IOM, 2010). Management can appreciate them by ensuring they get timely information alongside other healthcare workers, and scheduling enough time for their training for them to gain confidence. Nurses should not always be the group to take instructions, but need to be allowed to speak for themselves to management. A listening management encourages nurses to build their self worth, which works well to make them feel useful and appreciated (IOM, 2010). Most nurses do not speak out their monetary grievances in fear of losing their jobs (Kotter, 1996). Management should be liberal and allow them to speak. No one should be bullied or removed from the job for speaking for themselves or group in general. Another reason nurses do not speak out is because most of the time they will not be listened to, or no action will be taken (Graban, 2009). The management simply ignores their grievances. The Unions, hospital management and governing body need to act swiftly on complaints raised by nurses to give them an assurance that their presence is acknowledged even during
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Health and Safety of Disposable Chopsticks | Experiment
Health and Safety of Disposable Chopsticks | Experiment Abstract I heard some stories about disposable chopsticks being dangerous and poisonous. And I wanted to find out myself whether it was true or not. I found out that certain types of disposable chopsticks have greater risks to be acidic and non-disposable chopsticks are much safer. My results were important because I could help raise the awareness of the risk of using disposable chopsticks. This awareness not only saves us from cancer or damage to body, but also helps make the world a greener place to live. Background Research This experiment is about Are disposable chopsticks safe to use? My hypothesis is that some disposable chopsticks may not be processed appropriately to be safe to use. I choose this project because many restaurants use disposable chopsticks and to test whether disposable chopsticks are safe or non-disposable chopsticks are safe. I really want to prove if my hypothesis is correct about various of chopsticks. For the safety of many people in the world who use disposable chopsticks, it might be better to use non-disposable chopsticks or the other way around depending on the results. The normal pH level water is 6.5 to 8.5 and below 6.5 the water is acidic, soft, and corrosive. The pH water level 8.5 and above is hard, but it can cause aesthetic problems. Chopsticks can be made of bamboo, wood, plastic, and stainless steel. Sulfur dioxide and hydrogen peroxide are used to bleach the wooden disposable chopsticks. Many people use disposable chopsticks all over the world for lunch, dinner, and sometimes breakfast. I hope my experiment will help raise the awareness of using the right kind of the chopsticks and improve the safety for many. Non-disposable chopsticks may be safer than disposable chopsticks, but it will depend on research and test data to prove. I dont want to get sick or get illness by using disposable chopsticks. So there is an importance of this experiment. Experiment Details Experiment Question What is the effect of production processes on disposable chopsticks? How does the improperly processed chopsticks affect our safety? What types of chopsticks are better to use? Experiment Hypothesis Are disposable chopsticks safe to use? My hypothesis is that some disposable chopsticks may not be processed appropriately to be safe to use. Ive heard that disposable chopsticks are put into bleach and this was brought to my concern. Experiment Variables Independent Variable The different types of chopsticks, different temperatures of water (hot and cold) and different soaking durations will be changing. Dependent Variable I am measuring the pH level of the water after soaking the chopsticks for certain duration for time. Controlled Variables The chopsticks will stay in the same glasses and the amount of water will stay the same as well. Materials and Procedures Materials Used pH Meter Disposable chopsticks- 4 kinds Stainless steel chopsticks Plastic chopsticks Hot water boiler Tap water Bottle drinking water Glasses Timer Computer Camera Scotch tape Procedures STEP 1: First, characterize the pH level of the tap water and bottle drinking water. Record the readings on paper. STEP2: Next, put hot water into glasses. Then soak four kinds of disposable chopsticks and two kinds of non-disposable chopsticks (stainless steel and plastic) into each designated cups for 30 minutes. STEP 3: Use the pH meter to measure the pH level of each designated water in the glasses. If below pH6.5, it could be acidic, soft and corrosive. STEP 4: Then repeat the above steps with additional designated period of times. STEP 5: Repeat the same procedures by using cold water in the glasses and record the results. STEP 6: In the end, we will compare the results of each design of experiments to find out whether the pH level for disposable chopsticks are different from the non-disposable chopsticks with various soaking times and water temperature. We can then conclude if it is safe to use disposable chopsticks or not. Also this will confirm if my hypothesis was correct. Challenges and Technical Issues The challenges I had during my experiment are as follows. 1. The electrode tip of the pH meter need to be in the water about 3 cm deep. Dipping too deep or too shallow will affect the readings somewhat. However, with some practices and getting familiar with the depth of the tip, it is not difficult to adjust. 2. The pH meter will take some time to stabilize the reading. Need to make sure the reading does not fluctuate for a few seconds. Then take the reading. The tip is to practice several measurements and take readings patiently. Experiment Results A. Baseline Comparison of Different Waters: 1. House tap water is on the hard side, pH level 8.30. 2. The difference of pH level between home tap water and drinking water is 1.21. 3. My experiment is using home tap water. So if using nominal pH level water or lower pH level water, the resulted pH levels would be proportionally lower. Water Type (pH) Home Tap Water 8.30 Bottled Drinking Water 7.09 Difference -1.21 B. Tested with Hot Water: 1. This experiment is more closely simulating the actual usage of the chopsticks (hot meals hot soup). 2. Both stainless steel and plastic chopsticks are very stable when soaked in hot water for an hour. So they are safe to use. 3. Plastic chopsticks are performing the best, with least changes in pH level. 4. All four kinds of the disposable chopsticks had pH levels lower by 1.53 to 2.15. Bamboo type 3 (PB)) of the chopsticks is the worst, pH level lower by 2.15. So these chopsticks could pose safety risks by using them with hot meals/ soup. 5. If the baseline water were not pH 8.30, instead of pH 7.09, then the pH levels of all four kinds of the chopsticks would be lowered to the even more dangerous acidic levels. So disposable chopsticks are relatively unsafe to use. 6. Bamboo 3 (PB) had the worst yellowish discoloration of water. Bamboo 1 (FL) and Bamoo 2 (GL) also had some yellowish discoloration. MATERIAL TYPE BASELINE 30 Min. Changes from 1 Hour Changes from (pH) (pH) Baseline (pH) (pH) Baseline (pH) Stainless Steel 8.30 8.95 0.65 8.89 0.59 Plastic 8.30 8.92 0.62 8.64 0.34 Bamboo 1 (FL) 8.30 6.45 -1.85 6.77 -1.53 Bamboo 2 (GL) 8.30 6.78 -1.52 6.47 -1.83 Wood 8.30 7.35 -0.95 6.77 -1.53 Bamboo 3 (PB) 8.30 6.09 -2.21 6.15 -2.15 C. Tested with Cold Water: Both plastic and stainless steel chopsticks were very stable within one hour, while all other 4 kinds of disposable chopsticks were starting to turn acidic in an hour. When chopsticks were soaked in water longer than 1 hr, they all turned more acidic, with disposable chopsticks worse. Soaking in water longer than 1 day, both 2 days and 4 days, the pH levels for most of the chopsticks were stabilized. Most of the changes happened within the first day. Bamboo 3 (PB) had the worst yellowish discoloration of water. Bamboo 1 (FL) and Bamboo 2 (GL) also had some yellowish discoloration. Data Analysis and Discussion It was predicted and confirmed that the disposable chopsticks would have lower pH levels, which could be acidic, than the plastic and stainless steel chopsticks after soaking in both hot and tap waters. One possible explanation for low pH readings is that some disposable chopsticks used sulfur dioxide and hydro-peroxide to bleach the chopsticks without appropriate cleaning during the production processes. In the hot water experiment, the results were more prominent, after 30 minutes to an hour we saw dramatic pH level changes on the disposable chopsticks. At the same time, both plastic and stainless steel chopsticks, the pH levels were very stable after one hour. The two worst Ph level changes were the third bamboo disposable chopsticks (-2.21 pH level, with the plastic bag wrapping) and the first bamboo disposable chopsticks (-1.85 pH level, with the Fu-Lu characters). The worst pH level reduction occurred at 30 minutes in hot water, not 1 hour. For cold water experiment, the pH level changes were at a slower rate than the hot water experiment as expected. Still the worst pH level changes with cold water are still the third bamboo chopsticks (-0.84 pH at 30 minutes -2.17 pH at 1 day) and the first bamboo disposable chopsticks (-0.71 pH -2.25 pH at 1 day). The pH level changes were stabilized after 1 day. Plastic and stainless steel chopsticks were also more stable on pH readings. The worst kind of the disposable bamboo chopsticks- type 3 (PB) also showed the worst kind of discoloration (yellowish) in both hot and cold water experiment. I further noticed both bamboo type 3 (PB) and bamboo type 1 (FL), the worst two disposable chopsticks have less density in the structure. This could confirm that if they are not cleaned well in the production processes, they could contain most unwanted chemicals (bad stuff) and easier to dissolved into hot (especially) and cold waters. My original question was that Are disposable chopsticks safe to use? My hypothesis was taken in the right direction because after figuring out both the observations of the hot and cold water experiments everything started to fit quite well. This is supporting my hypothesis that disposable chopsticks are not as safe. Moreover, if the baseline water were not pH 8.30 (tap water), instead of pH 7.09 (drinking water, difference of Ph1.21), then the pH levels of all four kinds of the disposable chopsticks after soaking in hot water would be even lower and in the more dangerous acidic levels. I will certainly recommend using either the plastic chopsticks or stainless steel chopsticks for hot meals and hot soups and avoiding using disposable chopsticks. Conclusion From my hot and cold waters experiment with both reusable and disposable chopsticks, I can conclude that its better to use the plastic or stainless steel chopsticks (reusable). The disposable chopsticks are relatively unsafe to use. We should avoid using both Type 3 (PB) and Type 1 (FL) bamboo chopsticks. Also refraining from using the disposable chopsticks will also save the bamboos, trees, forest and earth. Its not only healthy, but also environmental friendly. Recommendations This project was done with limited time and resources. The sample size of chopsticks and time interval may not be big enough, the calibration of the pH meter was not done with the sample of pH 7.01 buffer (lack of test sample sheet) and use home tap water (pH 8.30). I will recommend to future project leader to use bigger samples size of chopsticks, take more readings in shorter time interval, calibrate the pH meter with the right sample buffer and use bottle drinking water (pH 7.09, in the middle of the safe drinking water pH range) to perform the experiment. Work Cited PH 29 Sept. 2010 . Scary Disposable chopsticks. 29 Sept. 2010 . Experiment Notes: In a packet.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
There were many reasons behind the fall of the Roman Empire, however, the economic reasons were the main source of its collapse. The fourth century was the period of time where the economy started to experience problems. During this time period, there were many inequalities between the rich and the poor, decreasing population, the German Barbarians holding Rome for ransom, cutting off their trade networks, inflation, and finally the de-specialization of the economy. Each of these causes were very significant in leading up to the fall of the Roman Empire. Throughout history, in many civilizations, there has always been a gap between the rich and the poor, and the gap between these groups in the Roman Empire was no exception either. The difference between the rich and the poor significantly impacted the status of the economy. For example, in the Roman Empire, the rich could get away with almost everything. They could do it by two methods, they could pay their taxes in small portions so they wouldn’t have to pay them all at once, or they could also simply avoid them by bribing the government, as opposed to the poor which had to pay them all at once. (Hayward, 1958, p. 105) If they did not follow this procedure, they would be punished one way or another. Since the rich were of high status, they could be heard by the government easily, with no possible penalties while the poor were given consequences if they did the same. The gap between the rich also grew wider and wider due to wealthy landowners driving tenant farmers out of their lands and treating those lands as their own. The rich were very important in the status of the economy as well. They could impair the authority of the central government. (Haywood, 1958, p. 104-105... ...etc. Trade was dependent on the status of the government in the Roman Empire. Since the Roman government was really powerful, it restricted some aspects of trade. Along with this, maritime trade was decreasing drastically. There were attacks on ships on the Mediterranean sea, which decreased trade between Rome and other countries. Transport affected the geographic division of labor in the Roman Empire. (Paolilli, 2008, p. 282) The Roman Empire used to be a prosperous place to live in until it started to experience many problems which led its decline. The status of the economy was affected by many reasons including economic inequality between the wealthy and the lower class, inflation, the ransom of Rome with the Germanic Barbarians and finally, the de-specialization of the economy. Rome’s foolish actions along with some outside influence led Rome to its demise.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Brief Look at the Quality of a Translation Essay
Abstract The article is an evaluative work on a translation of Faulkner’s Sanctuary by Farhad Qebraii. To do so the standard norms are got from Blum Kulka’s article â€Å"shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation†and the level of accepted changes through the translation is considered. The translation by Qebraii is accepted as a qualified one based on the factors analyzed through the paper. Introduction Through the process of translation some changes occur within the form (Surface Structure) and the meaning components (Deep Structure) of the source text. These changes are considered to be inevitable in translation. Due to the differences in the grammatical structures and linguistic features of languages there seem a logical reason for such a phenomenon . In 1986, Shoshana Blum-Kulka in her article ‘Shifts of cohesion and coherence in translation’ went through the changes (shifts as she calls) in translation. She made a comparison between the structure of the source and that of the target language and elaborated on the logical shifts that may occur through the process of translation. Here, the aim of the evaluation is to assess the quality of the translated version of the work ‘Sanctuary’ by William Faulkner. To do so, the structural features of both English and Persian language (as SL&TL) should be investigated and based on that and the concept of Blum-Kulka’s article assess the quality of translation. According to what Blum-Kulka says in her article, the negotiation of meaning between different parts of a text is based on the assumption that subsequent turns are related to each other in Coherent ways. This is the covert relationship between the parts, but there is another unity, visible in the surface structure of the text, which is called Cohesion. These two elements change through the translation process to naturalize the target text. But sometimes the high level of changes brings about some mismatches between TT and ST which lower the quality of translation. The overall purpose of this paper would be detecting these aspects from BlumKulka’s view point. Whether the translation is qualified or not is somehow a subjective matter just because of the unique elements belonging to translation. From the very beginning, there have been conflicts among those who regard translation as a work of art and those with scientific approaches. There have been too many translations with high level of acceptability and, when checked, no signs of newly arrived norms for translation. These all indicate that in this field there seem not to exist a categorical law and what is taken as a qualified translation in artistic viewpoint may lack the quality of a good work in scientific scope. Methodology To evaluate the quality, there would be one by one comparison between the meaningful units of both ST and TT of the work. These all would be done with regard to linguistic features of both English and Persian. To do so, in discussion section of the paper there would be a brief explanation about the linguistic features ( specially grammatical points) of both languages to clarify some necessary points. To a further study and in a more precise way there would be several exemplifications and for each enough supporting ideas based on Blum-Kulka’s article. Finally, the conducted work would lead to an eventual conclusion to show the quality of the work based on the factors mentioned within the paper. Discussion Over a long period of time there have been too many discussions on the notion of translation. Whether it is an art or a science, or maybe a mixture of both has been the fundamental issue of majority of the cases. If the literature is reviewed, there seem to be no clear criterion to clarify the notion of translation. Here, I want to offer my own understanding of the matter. To the best of my knowledge due to the fact that when translating we deal with several subjects such as culture, history, scientific issues, linguistic features of languages, and semantic structures of both ST and TT, the translator should have general knowledge of both source and target language. This means that for sure translation is partly a science because the translator is supposed to have a complete knowledge of both languages. But there is a significant point here which deals with artistic aspect of the matter. Imagine there is a peace of poem or other sort of literary text which is to be translated. Here the translator is expected to consider both semantic and syntactic structures of the source text along with the unwritten sense and emotions of the poem which are to be instilled by the other elements in the structure of the work. If the translator loses the artistic sense of the work through the process of translation the final work would be regarded as an ordinary and not highly qualified work because no special attention has been paid to the extra linguistic features of the work. So to evaluate the translated work of a text some fundamental cornerstones should be regarded. First the translator must determine the text. By this he can choose the correct translation method regarding the text structural features. Then and with respect to the method the translator starts the work. Now the final work must observe some necessary cornerstones of a qualified translation if the steps and the notions are regarded. In this article the main purpose is to look at the translating elements of the work Sanctuary by William Faulkner with respect to Blum Kulka’s article and assess the quality of the translation. To do so first there is a brief look at the structural traits of both Persian and English as two ends of the work and then find some examples from the texts to clarify the notion. At the next step the level of the correctness is evaluated based on Blum Kulka’s article about cohesion and coherence. Finally the work is evaluated according to the factors mentioned through the paper. In English it is usual to find wide variety of complex sentences with highly descriptive adjectives within different sorts of texts, and specially novels. This is while in Persian due to grammatical structure of the sentences there seem not to be such a case and, except for some high literary texts, in majority of the cases there occur more clearly written sentences in a simple form. This significant difference brings about some mismatches through the process of translation. More often than not Persian translators try to break the complex structures of the long English sentences into more concise and highly clear sentences in their translation. In the work Sanctuary William Faulkner does not use complex sentences and transfers the intentioned sense by some crystal clear sentences but when checked we can get that Qebraii, the translator, has professionally transferred the original sense by making the most approximate sentence structures which are really like the source ones. Some examples are made here: 1. His face had a queer, bloodless color, as though seen by electric light; against the sunny silence, in his slanted straw hat and his slightly akimbo arms, he had that vicious depthless quality of stamped tin. ? . ? . In this part of the translation we can clearly find out that the translator has tried his best not to miss the original surface structure of the sentence by following the form of the English version in Persian structure. He has done this in a very precise and accurate way and there seem to be only a nuance of difference in the translation version of the work. But it seems that Mr Qebraii has devoted the sense for the surface structure of the work where he misses some pieces of messages in his translations. Look at the part â€Å"His face had a queer, bloodless color†¦Ã¢â‚¬ here the translator keeps the original structure remained in the translation but the sense is not transferred thoroughly. Bloodless is translated as â€Å"? †which seems not to be an accurate equivalence. It was better to use more artistic phrase instead of this emotionless correspondence. Here Mr Qebraii has paid too much attention to the structure rather than the message and the sense. Or â€Å"sunny silence â€Å" is rendered as â€Å"? †the same story happens here. 2. The other man’s coat was still across his ar. He lifted his other hand toward the coat, out of one pocket of which protruded a crushed felt hat, from the other a book. ? . . ? The grammatical structure of the source text is remained untouched through the process of translation. We have the most approximate structure in the translated version along with clear understanding of the sentence in which there is the same message as the original. This indicates that the translator has been successful in transferring both the structure and the sense of the source text. At the last part of the sentence we see the phrase â€Å"a book†which appropriately is transferred into Persian with the exact surface structure and sense and also the form of the sentence is kept untouched. In above mentioned examples we can draw the conclusion that with regard to the structural differences between Persian and English and the form of the sentences in these two languages the translator has been so successful in keeping the form of the sentences identical in both versions, the original and the Persian translation of the work. Now we refer to Blum Kulka’s article. According to what she suggests in her article, in a text there are two significant notions; cohesion and coherence by name. Cohesion is an overt relationship holding between parts of the text, expressed by language specific markers. Coherence, on the other hand, means a covert potential meaning relationship among parts of a text, made overt by listener or reader through the process of interpretation. On the both levels there exist differences between the languages. When a text is translated from one language into another the level of text coherence or cohesion is changed based on the structural features of the target language. These changes are considered to be logical to some extent. But if the level of shifts are too much the translation would be classified as an under standard translation and the quality would be in a low level. Through the following part the shift in Cohesion and the Coherence of the texts will be detected. Coherence: As pointed out by Hallyday and Hasan (1976) cohesion ties do much more than provide continuity and thus create the semantic unity of the text. Particularly in literature, the choice of cohesive markers can serve several functions in the text. Accordingly the translator is supposed to observe the accepted level of shifts through his translation which is due to language differences. To some extent the shifts in cohesion is acceptable but if the changes are too much the translation would be of low quality. In this point of the paper we want to take a look at the coherence of the sentences of the work Sanctuary and that of its translation â€Å"? †by Farhad Qebraii. As mentioned earlier, coherence is not a clear notion and does not have a visible marker in the text. Any audience or reader will get the semantic relationship between the text components through some sorts of interpretations. We all know that any component in the text has a relationship with the other components and they all get together to transfer a unified message. Now if the subcategorized elements in the texts are changed due to translation process there may emerge a mismatch between the source and the target text. These changes may occur due to cultural, historic, or lingual differences in languages. In sanctuary there seem to be no cultural factors which cannot be translated into Persian and Qebraii has transferred somehow the all message completely into Persian. So we can say that this translation is highly qualified from the coherence point of view. Cohesion: On the level of cohesion, shifts will occur through the translation in a way that the translation seems to be more explicit than the original work and this is common in almost all the cases. But for a translation to be of high level of quality the translator should try his best to keep the unwritten messages and covert factors untouched and do not use too much terminology to express the meaning explicitly. In the work Sanctuary the author has made concise sentences to bring about succinctness and beauty in his text. We see that the translator has kept this factor remained in the target text. As an example, Qebraii has translated the part â€Å"The other man stopped his hand. †it’s a book†to â€Å"?. ) . ( Here we see that Qebraii has not made the translation more explicit rather he has shorten the length of the Persian sentence with regard to the message not be lost through the translation process. Of course in the above example there is a shift in the form of the sentence from active to passive which has exacerbate the quality of the translation because the meaning is not transferred appropriately. But altogether the sentences are formed in a way that they are similar to the original one. The crux of the matter is that no one can certainly put the label of good or bad translation to any work and it goes without saying that evaluation of translations is a subjective act. But based on the detections it seems that most of the translation criteria are observed in this case and farhad Qebraii has kept the structure and the message along with each other almost through the whole part of the work. Thus his work is ranked among the highly qualified translations even if there are some translation mismatches in his translation. Implications and Applications The crux of the matter is that, no progression is made when no evaluative research is conducted. Any developed phenomenon has its progressive background through which there has occurred variety of investigations. When checked and have a spectrum of works under control through the time, the deficiencies will be singled out and reformed. No one can claim that his work has been in its recent high position from the very beginning. Hence, there is a none written role of thumb necessitating us to discuss any work and come up with constructive comments on it . To cover what is said the translation of the ‘Sanctuary’ will be worked on and any weak and strong point will be mentioned through the main paper. It is hoped that such an assessment would influence the translators and make them try their best to create highly acceptable works and we see a developmental process in this field. References Khazaeefar, A. (1388). A textbook of literary Translation. Tehran: Samt Publication Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice Hall Blum-Kulka, Sh. Shifts of Cohesion and Coherence in Translation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project management email Essay
Our team has done the required analysis based on the information that was given to us. We would like to recommend the Piper Industries Corp. to pursue with the project Palomino for future investments. We arrived at this conclusion based on the risks involved, feasibility study, break even analysis and return on the investment studies. It has been stated as a requirement that the project has to be finished and it should start generating revenue within the next 12 months. Below you will find a detail description of the different phases of a project and then an analysis on all three projects, followed by our recommendation. Phases of a project From the start to finish a project can be divided into five different phases ( Project conception and initiation The purpose of this phase is to define the project accomplishments. This is a critical phase as it is essential for those who will deliver the product/service, for those who will use the product/service, and for those who have a stake in the project to reach agreement on its initiation ( During this phase, the idea of the project is analyzed to see how beneficial it is to the business. Project definition and planning This phase defines the project scope and its activities. It outlines the tasks that have to be performed to complete the project. During this phase, a team should prioritize the project, calculate a budget and schedule, and determine what resources are needed ( Project launch or execution During this phase, the defined project activities are started to be executed. The project manager moves his attention from planning to execution. A constant monitoring of project risks is required during this phase. There will be a daily interaction between the team members, to successfully finish the execution tasks. Project performance and control Progression of the project is measured during this phase. The current status of the project will be compared with the actual plan. Scope verification and control to check and monitor for scope creep, change control to track and manage changes to project requirement, calculating key performance indicators for cost and time are to measure the degree of variation if any and in which case corrective measures are determined and suggested to keep project on track ( Project closure During this phase the project tasks are satisfactorily completed and tested, the client approves the project. The project team evaluates success or failure of the project and documents key learning’s, to implement in future projects. This phase also involves in relieving project resources, reward and recognizes team members and formal termination of contractors in case they were employed on the project ( Analysis of the proposed project Risk of project completion assessment Based on the risk of completion assessment, Juniper has the lowest impact, Stargazer the highest and Palomino has the medium risk of finishing the project on time. The critical path is known in both Juniper and Palomino, whereas there is no indication of critical path in Stargazer. The notes also say that there are still open questions from the business on Stargazer, which increases the risk of completing the project on time. The basic requirement from the management is that the project should be completed and generating revenue in 12 months. On this basis, it is better for the company to choose either Palomino or Juniper. Delivery Dates based on the assumption that the project starts on January 1st 2015 Juniper: June 31st 2015 Palomino: September 31st 2015 Stargazer: Unknown ROI assessment and break even analysis For Juniper the return on investment is $250,000 yearly for the next two to three years, which could provide $500,000 to $750,000. The cost of doing the project is $325,000. So the project breakeven point is within 2 years. For Palomino, the ROI is $450,000 yearly for the next five years, which will result in $2,250,000. The cost of doing this project is $655,000. Even with the 5% margin of error, the breakeven for this project is within 2 years. For Stargazer, the ROI is, $1,600,000 ($300,000 first year; $550,000 the second year; and $750,000 the third year). There is no information on the ROI for the rest of the years. So there is an unknown factor involved in this project. The cost of this project is $1,025,000 ($450,000 + $575,000). The breakeven for this project is within 3 years. Based on this assessment, the breakeven point is lesser if the company pursues Juniper or Palomino. Product lifecycle Juniper’s product has only 3 years of life cycle, while both Stargazer and Palomino has 7 years of product life. Based on this assessment, the company will profit if it chooses Stargazer or Palomino. Feasibility Analysis A feasibility assessment is the disciplined and documented process of thinking through an idea from its logical beginning to its logical end ( With Juniper project, the product is feasible, as we can predict the forecasting of its schedule. It starts to generate profit within 12 months. But since the product life span is less, the company’s profit ends soon. Stargazer, even though it is an innovative product it is risky and it has unanswered business questions, so it may not be feasible to complete the project on time. Its forecasting variance is very high. Even though a sunk cost of $450,000 is involved in this project, there is no guarantee for the product to start generating returns in 12 months if we pursue this project. In Palomino project, the risk is medium and the critical path is known. Recommendation: Even though Palomino has a 5% margin of error from its supplier, we conclude that this project is more feasible and profitable than the other two.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Communication Skills in the Workplace
Communication Skills in the Workplace Introduction The high rate of globalization has led to increment in the volume of international trade. One of the industries that have benefited from this growth is the freight industry in Singapore (AGI Freight 1). AGI Freight is one of the firms that operate within Singapore’s freight industry. Over the years it has been in operation, the firm has managed to attain substantial success within the local and the international market.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Communication Skills in the Workplace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To attain its profit maximization objective, the firm is committed at entering in new markets. One of the factors that has contributed towards the firm’s success is its effectiveness in providing personalizes service to customers (AGI Freight 1). To improve its operational efficiency, the firm is intends to hire a sales manager. The successful candidate will be require d to possess adequate skill and knowledge with regard to the freight industry. Upon selection, the candidate will be required to start working immediately. Rationale In the course of executing his or her duty, the sales manager will be charged with the responsibility of building optimal rapport between the firm and its clients. The sales manager will also be required to attend to clients’ enquiries in order to satisfactorily meet their needs. Moreover, the sales manager will be required to develop effective sales report and work as a team. Consequently, it is essential for the selected candidate to possess effective communication skills. According to (McIntosh Luecke 5) poor workplace communication is one of the major issues that organization’s management teams have to address. This arises from the fact that it can adversely affect an organization’s success both in the short run and the long run. Currently, the sales environment has become very competitive. The effectiveness with which an organization grows, meets or exceeds its sales targets determines its profitability and hence its long term survival. Consequently, the sales managers should possess optimal communication skills in order to ensure a high level of coordination within the sales team (Woods 34). The sales manager should ensure that information that can contribute toward increment in the firm’s sales revenue is effectively communicated to the sales team. This aids in establishment of a high level of goal congruence between team members (Havaldar Cavale 31).Advertising Looking for assessment on business communication? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The workplace environment is increasingly becoming culturally diverse. One of the factors promoting this workplace transformation is the high rate of globalization (Dwyer 121). Consequently, there is a high probability that the sales manager selected will b e required to work with a team that is culturally diverse. In order to succeed in such an environment, the sales manager will be required to appreciate the communication difference amongst the team members. One of the ways through which the manager can achieve this is by developing a comprehensive understanding of the differences in cultural values and norms amongst team members. Conclusion The analysis above illustrates that communication skills is an important element that firms’ management teams should take into account in their quest to develop a strong workforce. One of the factors explaining the importance of communication skills in the workplace is the high rate of transformation within organizations’ workforces. The high rate of globalization has made organizations’ workforces to be culturally diverse. Organizations are increasingly adopting the concept of teamwork in order to promote their operational effectiveness. Working in such an environment requir es one to possess effective communication skills in order to ensure effective collaboration. Additionally, organizations are increasingly venturing into the international market in order to maximize their profitability. However, their success in the international market is dependent on the communication skills of its workforce. AGI Freight: Sales executive/sales manager 2013. Web. Dwyer, Judith. Communication for business and the professions, French Forest: Pearson Australia, 2013, Print.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Communication Skills in the Workplace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Havaldar, Krishna and C. Vasant. Sales and distribution management: text and cases, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print. McIntosh, Perry and L. Richard. Interpersonal communication skills in the workplace, New York: American Management Association, 200 8. Print. Woods, Julia. Communication in our lives, Belmont, Calif: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Give a Great Presentation
How to Give a Great Presentation How to Give a Great Presentation Giving a presentation is, for many students, a stressful experience; even the most studious of us can find ourselves lost for words when faced with a roomful of expectant faces, gazing out in quiet anticipation. But being able to give an oral presentation is vital for your education and can help your career prospects. Rather than feeling nervous about it, you should therefore think of giving a talk as a chance to develop your communication and presentation skills. There are plenty of things you can do to make giving a presentation go smoothly too, including the following†¦ Practice, Practice, Practice! It’s an obvious place to start, but practicing your presentation will help make sure it goes perfectly on the day. Factors to consider include timing, the structure of your talk and the kind of questions your audience might ask. You should try reading your presentation out loud, as if to an audience. If you have a few willing friends, they could even listen, ask questions and give you feedback. Alternatively, you could also give your presentation to the mirror or record yourself and listen back afterwards. Be Prepared†¦ On the day before your presentation, try to get a good night’s rest. Likewise, on the day, make sure you eat healthily so you’ll have the energy required to engage with your audience. Moreover, try to turn up around fifteen minutes before your presentation is due to begin, or however long you need to settle in and set up any resources you plan to use, such as laptops, projectors or handouts. Be Confident Easier said than done sometimes, but even pretending to feel confident will help you communicate clearly while giving your presentation. Good tips include dressing smartly, making eye contact with your audience and not feeling like you have to apologize for yourself. If you need a moment to gather your thoughts at any point, stopping briefly to take a sip of water will allow you to think (and keep you hydrated). This can be especially helpful when answering audience questions. Be Heard! It’s important to make yourself heard when giving a presentation. This means addressing the entire audience (not just the first row), speaking at a steady pace (not rushing) and vocalizing clearly (not speaking into your chest). It’s a good idea to have notes to guide your presentation, but try not to just read them out loud, as this is often unengaging for an audience. Use Visual Aids These days, most presentations are accompanied by visual aids, such as hand outs and PowerPoint slideshows. These can be a great addition to your talk, but try not to rely on them too much.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
George A. Custer - American Indian Wars
George A. Custer - American Indian Wars George Custer - Early Life: The son of Emanuel Henry Custer and Marie Ward Kirkpatrick, George Armstrong Custer was born at New Rumley, OH on December 5, 1839. A large family, the Custers had five children of their own as well as several from Maries earlier marriage. At a young age, George was sent to live with his half-sister and brother-in-law in Monroe, MI. While living there, he attended McNeely Normal School and did menial jobs around the campus to help pay for his room and board. After graduating in 1856, he returned to Ohio and taught school. George Custer - West Point: Deciding that teaching did not suit him, Custer enrolled at the US Military Academy. A weak student, his time at West Point was plagued by near expulsion each term for excessive demerits. These were usually earned through his penchant for pulling pranks on fellow cadets. Graduating in June 1861, Custer finished last in his class. While such a performance normally would have landed him an obscure posting and a short career, Custer benefited from the outbreak of the Civil War and the US Armys desperate need for trained officers. Commissioned a second lieutenant, Custer was assigned to the 2nd US Cavalry. George Custer - Civil War: Reporting for duty, he saw service at the First Battle of Bull Run (July 21, 1861) where he acted as a runner between General Winfield Scott and Major General Irvin McDowell. After the battle, Custer was reassigned to the 5th Cavalry and was sent south to participate in Major General George McClellans Peninsula Campaign. On May 24, 1862, Custer convinced a colonel to allow him to attack a Confederate position across the Chickahominy River with four companies of Michigan infantry. The attack was a success and 50 Confederates were captured. Impressed, McClellan took Custer onto his staff as an aide-de-camp. While serving on McClellans staff, Custer developed his love of publicity and began working to attract attention to himself. Following McClellans removal from command in the fall of 1862, Custer joined the staff Major General Alfred Pleasonton, who was then commanding a cavalry division. Quickly becoming his commanders protà ©gà ©, Custer became enamored with flashy uniforms and was schooled in military politics. In May 1863, Pleasonton was promoted to command the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac. Though many of his men were alienated by Custers showy ways, they were impressed by his coolness under fire. After distinguishing himself as bold and aggressive commander at Brandy Station and Aldie, Pleasonton promoted him to brevet brigadier general despite his lack of command experience. With this promotion, Custer was assigned to lead a brigade of Michigan cavalry in the division of Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick. After fighting the Confederate cavalry at Hanover and Hunterstown, Custer and his brigade, which he nicknamed the Wolverines, played a key role in the cavalry battle east of Gettysburg on July 3. As Union troops south of the town were repulsing Longstreets Assault (Picketts Charge), Custer was fighting with Brigadier General David Greggs division against Major General J.E.B. Stuarts Confederate cavalry. Personally leading his regiments into the fray on several occasions, Custer had two horses shot out from under him. The climax of the fight came when Custer led a mounted charge of the 1st Michigan which stopped the Confederate attack. His triumph as Gettysburg marked the high point of his career. The following winter, Custer married Elizabeth Clift Bacon on February 9, 1864. In the spring, Custer retained his command after the Cavalry Corps was reorganized by its new commander Major General Philip Sheridan. Participating in Lt. General Ulysses S. Grants Overland Campaign, Custer saw action at the Wilderness, Yellow Tavern, and Trevilian Station. In August, he traveled west with Sheridan as part of the forces sent to deal with Lt. General Jubal Early in the Shenandoah Valley. After pursuing Earlys forces after the victory at Opequon, he was promoted to divisional command. In this role he aided in destroying Earlys army at Cedar Creek that October. Returning to Petersburg after the campaign in the Valley, Custers division saw action at Waynesboro, Dinwiddie Court House, and Five Forks. After this final battle, it pursued General Robert E. Lees retreating Army of Northern Virginia after Petersburg fell on April 2/3, 1865. Blocking Lees retreat from Appomattox, Custers men were the first to receive a flag of truce from the Confederates. Custer was present at Lees surrender on April 9, and was given the table on which it was signed in recognition of his gallantry. George Custer - Indian Wars: After the war, Custer reverted back to the rank of captain and briefly considered leaving the military. He was offered the position of adjutant general in the Mexican army of Benito Jurez, who was then battling Emperor Maximilian, but was blocked from accepting it by the State Department. An advocate of President Andrew Johnsons reconstruction policy, he was criticized by hardliners who believed he was attempting to curry favor with the goal of receiving a promotion. In 1866, he turned down the colonelcy of the all-black 10th Cavalry (Buffalo Soldiers) in favor of the lieutenant colonelcy of the 7th Cavalry. In addition, he was given the brevet rank of major general at the behest of Sheridan. After serving in Major General Winfield Scott Hancocks 1867 campaign against the Cheyenne, Custer was suspended for a year for leaving his post to see his wife. Returning to the regiment in 1868, Custer won the Battle of Washita River against Black Kettle and the Cheyenne that November. George Custer - Battle of the Little Bighorn: Six years later, in 1874, the Custer and the 7th Cavalry scouted the Black Hills of South Dakota and confirmed the discovery of gold at French Creek. This announcement touched off the Black Hills gold rush and further heightened tensions with the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne. In an effort to secure the hills, Custer was dispatched as part of a larger force with orders to round up the remaining Indians in the area and relocate them to reservations. Departing Ft. Lincoln, ND with Brigadier General Alfred Terry and a large force of infantry, the column moved west with the goal of linking up with forces coming from the west and south under Colonel John Gibbon and Brigadier General George Crook. Encountering the Sioux and Cheyenne at the Battle of the Rosebud on June 17, 1876, Crooks column was delayed. Gibbon, Terry, and Custer met later that month and, based on a large Indian trail, decided to have Custer circle around the Indians while the other two approached with the main force. After refusing reinforcements, including Gatling guns, Custer and the approximately 650 men of the 7th Cavalry moved out. On June 25, Custers scouts reported sighting the large camp (900-1,800 warriors) of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse along the Little Bighorn River. Concerned that the Sioux and Cheyenne might escape, Custer recklessly decided to attack the camp with only the men on hand. Dividing his force, he ordered Major Marcus Reno to take one battalion and attack from the south, while he took another and circled around to the north end of the camp. Captain Frederick Benteen was sent southwest with a blocking force to prevent any escape. Charging up the valley, Renos attack was stopped and he was forced to retreat, with Benteens arrival saving his force. To the north, Custer too was stopped and superior numbers forced him to retreat. With his line broken, the retreat became disorganized and his entire 208-man force was killed while making their last stand. Selected Sources PBS: George A. CusterCuster in the Civil WarBattle of the Little Bighorn
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The position of Japanese women employees from post-bubble to now Essay
The position of Japanese women employees from post-bubble to now - Essay Example Laws that are against the discrimination of women and sexual harassment at work have been enacted to protect the rights of females in the workplace. According to Broadbent (2003), the number of females who worked in well paying jobs rapidly increased in the period between 1920 and 1980. The number of women at the workplace reached sixty percent for those women in the age bracket of between 25 and 64. In Japan, according to local traditions, men are expected to work in companies while women remain in the homes taking care of the family. The Position of Japanese Women Employees in the Post-Bubble era The bubble era in Japan lasted from 1986 to the February of 1991and it came with influx of exports and availability of capital as suggested by Tsutsui (2009). The post bubble era in Japan began in the 19991 due to the crashing of stock prices. Despite the ongoing significant changes in Japan, the traditional concept of â€Å"right†position for women and men in the society is still experienced in Japan. As a result of the growing modernization in Japan and the society’s change in traditional believes in the country, the number of working women has been rapidly increasing annually. As result the ratio of men to women in the workplace in the Japanese society has also increased. Although the almost half of employed population are women, they are still treated equally with men and thus there is a sense of discrimination against women. For instance, focusing on the end of the bubble era, female graduates had difficult times in securing jobs compared to the male graduates whom they had same qualifications. On the same case, even those who were lucky to secure employment, the offer could not be compared to that of the male graduates. The main issue in women employment in the Japanese society over the last decade is based on how they deal with a system that entrenched and institutionalized in the period of high growth. However the society also has to consider t hat the system is now invalid and needs an overhaul in the post-bubble era. In the post-bubble era, the female labor force decreased to almost 50.2% that is in 1994 from 50.7% in 1991 as suggested by Gunther (2009). Feminization in the employment sector was slightly decreasing. Despite the increasing women employment the era is characterized by women self employment and family employment. Women working on temporary basis in 1995 only received about sixty percent of the salaries received by men. The amount of salary for female workers was also dictated by their age. In the same year, the average number of working years for high compared to that of women. The underlying issues in Japan in the post-bubble era included non-regular system of labor as well as the predominant part-time workers. The major challenge was how to deal with these issues which mostly affected women. In this era, Japan’s emphasis is on the use of part-time female workers as the cost-cutting measure in the c orporate. Instead the country should use women employment as a way of improving the general employment sector or in a more constructive manner. Research has established it that companies were reluctant in appointing female workers to high positions of work. There was also the controversy that female workers were not engaged in promotional training and the male employees do not value women’s labor. In the post-bubble era, legislation like the Childcare leave of 1992 and the Family care leave of 1995 were
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critical Communication Event in the Press Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critical Communication Event in the Press - Essay Example It did not challenge the authorities or acted just like a watchdog. It fulfilled its purpose of bringing the news to the public and letting people know about the issue which spread more awareness about the customer of size policy of the Southwest Airlines. This also points to the freedom of press. The incident was covered by many reporters, and many journalists happened to interview Emery Orto to take his views about the event. Reporters also gave their judgments in their online articles about Orto’s irrational behavior and his communication with the authorities which was not based on sound arguments. They stated in their articles that it was not Orto’s size that kept him from flying; instead, it was his rude behavior that made the authorities angry enough not to let him board the plane. When press enjoys freedom, then everybody has the right to give his views and opinions, just like what happened in this event. Kathryn. (2009). Southwest says Emery Orto’s behavior, not his size, got him booted from flight. The Kathryn Report. Retrieved October 15, 2011, from Netter, S. (2009). Was southwest passenger too fat to fly? ABC News. Retrieved October 15, 2011, from
K Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
K - Assignment Example rk therefore highly informs my current topic choice by nature of ability to dig deep into the echelons of a particular knowledge area and unearth as much information as possible. The desire to pursue this investigation therefore rests on the fact that this is a topic with wide knowledge and also interesting to follow. The unit also informs much on the research questions initially created very widely. In essence, there was knowledge of coming up with open ended questions that never gave an in-depth knowledge of information about a particular topic. The initial research questions were set widely but at this final stage, answers are coming up. The work also informs the initial research questions by virtue of the ability to categorize them into specified sections for a specified search for answers. The initial questions were wide but at this stage, there is a specified concentration on ways used to quit smoking. There are several issues that hope to be achieved during my time with this topic. From the information so far achieved, there is a lot of information of personal importance that has been realized. By learning about the in-depth questioning, there has been a revelation of the in-depth effects of smoking. It also outlines how the addiction is created through the content chemicals in the cigarette. Moreover, the knowledge goes on to extrapolate the collection of diseases that the body would be susceptible to. This is caused by the more than 4700 chemical compounds in the cigarette. In avoiding a cigarette, personal life would be highly enhanced. Moreover, this does not stop there. There are excessive effects to the environment and the people around. Avoiding this situation, by virtue of the in-depth analysis created in the topic, the health of other people would also be enhanced. The content, specificity, depth and level of personal investment in this topic have turned out to be different from earlier topics. If a comparison is to be drawn with the ‘Dream
Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Capitalism - Essay Example In the political context, capitalism is the system of freedom and legally it rules of law opposed to rule of man. Economically men’s freedom is applied to the sphere of production. In the modern time, economists argue that capitalism works as a system of natural forces with the supply and demand that tends toward equilibrium. Governance here serves as the main distortion of capitalism and any opposition to capitalism is equal to the opposition to the markets. While Scott (2006) argues about the capitalism to be defined as an economic system with private actors to own and manage the use of property, the pricing mechanism coordinates supply and demand in the markets in the best interests of society. Government, in this view is responsible for tolerable taxes. In the simple word, Murray (2012) considers capitalism lifted the world out of poverty since it gave people to be richer as they create value and reaping the rewards. Thus, the concept of capitalism is perceived as th e indirect governance for economic, political and administrative relationship where organized markets exist with the set of institutional foundations with various rights and responsibilities that are created and regulated under the protection of a political authority (Rand, Branden, Greenspan & Hessen, 1986). While capitalism is taken for granted for many people, Wright (2007) states that certain behaviors of economic policies of the government may receive great criticism where capitalism as such is able to develop the negative consequences. Some bad effect of capitalism involves human misery and thwarted lives (Wright, 2007) and in general capitalism generates unnecessary human suffering. It raises the question of greed with exaggerated single-minded pursuit of self- interest which is in the context of capitalism to be the economic system that is driven by the profits.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Design Awareness homework 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Design Awareness homework 2 - Assignment Example Several design elements have been applied in the design of Swiss International Air sign. Against the red colored background are the white name tag â€Å"Swiss†and a Plus sign at the bottom right corner. Strong red color has been used to enhance the readability of the elements of focus which are the name Swiss and the plus sign. Essentially, the designer sought to make the name Swiss dominant for the sake of identification of Swiss airline even at a distant. Maslow’s hierarchy has also been applied in this symbol. According to Maslow, a sign should first satisfy the basic purpose before progressing to other secondary needs. In this case, the main target was to identify the Swiss airline. Therefore, this explains why the â€Å"Swiss†name tag had to come before the plus sign which symbolically identifies, though not explicitly, that it is a plane. In addition, communication model has been applied in this sign. The â€Å"plus†sign is not just a decoration b ut further exemplifies the motto of the airline that their â€Å"sign is a promise†. Also, the plus sign symbolically communicates that it is an aero plane with front end, rear end and two wings. A tool is an object or a collection of objects that are used to perform a given task or rather for a particular vocation. They are normally designed in such a way that they enhance the ease and effectiveness at which the work in context is performed. The object in this case are kitchen cutlery used to peel off the outer coat of fruits such as oranges. Special emphasis has been laid on the handling of the equipment to reduce the efforts and risks involved in peeling off oranges. Unlike the handle of ordinary kitchen knives/equipment, the handles of these tools are threaded to increased firm or tight grip while performing the task at hand. The design element that has been exemplified in the grips of these kitchen cutlery is the shape. For example, at the point of the handle where the thumb and index finger grip
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
DB 4 Carminsl Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DB 4 Carminsl Justice - Essay Example To that end, significant research is being conducted to find out ‘what works’ to end the cycle of recidivism. In recent years, various strategies have been tried. During the next ten years we must capitalize on what we have learned, and use the hard-earned tax-payer money that we are spending in ways that will be both cost-beneficial and socially responsible. (Maurer, Susan L. 2001). Crime control must be examined in relation to the community roots of social problems like poverty, unemployment, drugs, and inadequate housing. Penal reform should be planned in relation to societal reform in areas like education, economic opportunity and racial equality. We need a new paradigm for sentencing and corrections. The continued reliance on imprisonment is costing society a tremendous amount of money, wasting lives, and doing little to prepare offenders to be successful in the community. To face these challenges, three steps should be taken: 1) Create a task-force to examine corrections. 2) Study the problems. 3) Prepare an action-oriented strategic development plan, to ensure that critical problems will be addressed. Among the basic theories relating to criminal justice and its relation to individual rights and social control, is community justice or restorative justice. Restorative justice is future-oriented, focuses on restoration for the victim and society, and is less expensive for the taxpayer. Victims have historically been left out of the criminal justice process. Only recently have programs been started to assist victims and ensure that their voices are heard throughout the process. Also, taxpayers do not have to spend large amounts of money to punish and incarcerate non-violent offenders, who represent little risk to their communities. Restorative justice emphasizes that they should â€Å"make right†the harm that they
Design Awareness homework 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Design Awareness homework 2 - Assignment Example Several design elements have been applied in the design of Swiss International Air sign. Against the red colored background are the white name tag â€Å"Swiss†and a Plus sign at the bottom right corner. Strong red color has been used to enhance the readability of the elements of focus which are the name Swiss and the plus sign. Essentially, the designer sought to make the name Swiss dominant for the sake of identification of Swiss airline even at a distant. Maslow’s hierarchy has also been applied in this symbol. According to Maslow, a sign should first satisfy the basic purpose before progressing to other secondary needs. In this case, the main target was to identify the Swiss airline. Therefore, this explains why the â€Å"Swiss†name tag had to come before the plus sign which symbolically identifies, though not explicitly, that it is a plane. In addition, communication model has been applied in this sign. The â€Å"plus†sign is not just a decoration b ut further exemplifies the motto of the airline that their â€Å"sign is a promise†. Also, the plus sign symbolically communicates that it is an aero plane with front end, rear end and two wings. A tool is an object or a collection of objects that are used to perform a given task or rather for a particular vocation. They are normally designed in such a way that they enhance the ease and effectiveness at which the work in context is performed. The object in this case are kitchen cutlery used to peel off the outer coat of fruits such as oranges. Special emphasis has been laid on the handling of the equipment to reduce the efforts and risks involved in peeling off oranges. Unlike the handle of ordinary kitchen knives/equipment, the handles of these tools are threaded to increased firm or tight grip while performing the task at hand. The design element that has been exemplified in the grips of these kitchen cutlery is the shape. For example, at the point of the handle where the thumb and index finger grip
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Genetically Modified Food and Crops Essay Example for Free
Genetically Modified Food and Crops Essay Abstract Since the 1980s scientists have been altering crops, including some of the food we eat (Fairly Gaskins, 2000). Genetically modified food has always been a concern for many people. I find the concerns to be unwarranted because there has never been a negative health report due to the fact of consuming GM foods. Biotechnology gives us the best means for solving the worlds food shortage now and in the future. Genetically modified crop plants are now grown on nearly 150 million acres in the United States alone, helping farmers to increase yields, reduce pesticide spraying, and save topsoil (Conko Miller, 2011). What are we actually eating? Looking at ingredients on the back of a product was almost considered out of the ordinary ten to fifteen years ago. But now it is one of the most important factors in the decision on whether or not a consumer will buy the product. In all the research I conducted there was never a proven harmful effect from genetic engineering. However, the benefits are scientifically proven which gives genetically modified crops the advantage over traditional farming. The proposed ideas and research by scientist show that a lot more can be done with GM food other than eating it. Globalization of GM crops is becoming apparent as well as GM crop commercialization. _Keywords: GM Food, GM Crops, Genetically engineered crops, Biotechnology, GM organisms. _ Genetically modified organisms can be defined as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. The technology is often called biotechnology and it allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another (World Health Organization, 2002). For more than twenty years of scientific, humanitarian, and financial success genetic engineering has been applied to agriculture. This has been accomplished without injury to a single person or damage to the ecosystem. However, activists are still fighting the use of genetically modified crops (Conko Miller 2011). Millions of people around the world suffer from malnutrition and with the steep projected increase of our worlds population in the next fifty years a change needs to be made. Genetically modified crops increase yield, nutrition and uses fewer pesticides all without proven negative effects. GM crops and all its benefits make it the gateway for the worlds agriculture success. Genetically modified crops are becoming the building blocks for agriculture advancements. Scientists are continually working to create more benefits for consumers as well as farmers. The main concern of GM foods is negative health risks however, they are actually more beneficial. GM foods have longer shelf life, contain higher nutritional value and are safer to eat. For example, GM corn has lower fungal toxin content then non-GM corn, and farmers typically produce GM crops using fewer pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers (Tyson, 2001). By drastically reducing the use of chemicals on the plants it provides a major improvement for the consumers safety and nourishment. Because scientists slightly tweak the DNA of the plants with other genes it is possible that food allergens may end up in GM products. Steve Taylor, a scientists at the University of Nebraska states that, the food-allergy threat is small because food engineers now avoid using genes from nuts and other common food allergens. The benefits of genetic engineering justify the risk (Fairley Gaskins 2000). Products from biotechnology are no less safe than traditionally bred crops. According to Dr. Prakash, genetically improved products are subjected to intensive testing, while conventional varieties have never been subjected to any such regulation for food safety or environmental impact (Prakash, 2000). Every GM food that is currently available on the international market has already passed risk assessments and is not likely to pose a risk for the consumers. No effects have been shown and GM foods will continue to be regulated in more and more countries (World Health Organization, 2002). GM crops are never expected to present a health risk and therefore should reassure government officials worldwide in the use of this technology. Another concern of GM technology is the effect it has on the environment. The environmental risks of biotechnology are also unidentified just like the health trepidations. No scientific evidence proves that GM crops are harmful to the environment. U. S. officials pointed out that scientists in Europe had been unable to find any evidence of added risk to human health or the environment from any GM crop variety developed to date. In fact, none of the studies by Europe found any scientific evidence of added harm to humans or the environment (Paarlberg, 2003). GM engineering will actually help the environment rather than harm it. In the U. S. alone farmers annually administer more than nine hundred seventy million tons of insect and plant killers. Now GM crops have the ability of containing their own insect and plant killing gene which means the farmers can use fewer chemicals (Tyson, 2001). To ensure that the environment is remaining safe, risk assessments are conducted for the GM product as well as the area in which the crop will grow (World Health Organization, 2002). Furthermore, the United Nations Environment Program has used funding for developing countries to implement biosafety regulations for GM crops. The UNEP wants these regulations implemented before any crop is planted no matter the cost or delay (Paarlberg, 2003). Since 2011, The U. S. Department of Agriculture has approved seventy four different GM crops. In each case the crops data was reviewed for several years and each concluded that they will have no significant environmental impact (Conko Miller 2011). These precautionary measures toward genetically modified crops allow the government to regulate farming actions and safeguard the environment. The initial reason GM organisms were created was to improve crop production. The GM crops currently on the market are mainly aimed at an increased level of crop protection through the introduction of resistance against plant diseases caused by insects or viruses or through increased tolerance towards herbicides (Tyson, 2001). Producers are getting a lot more for a lot less which translates to products with lower prices. The improved production of crops and technology accounts for the lowered costs and have forced tremendous competition in the herbicide and insecticide markets (Prakash, 2000). This also helps traditional farmers because it now allows them to buy these products at a cheaper cost. In fifty years the world population could exceed eleven billion people unfortunately, the current food supply is not expanding at the same rate. Because of this, GM crops need to expand and gain popularity over traditional farming. Global GM crop farming in 1999 covered about one hundred million acres (Tyson, 2001). Now, genetically modified crop plants are grown on nearly one hundred fifty million acres in the United States alone (Conko Miller 2011). These statistics show that GM crop farming is rapidly expanding and the benefits are obvious. Biotechnology and its productivity give us the best chance to safely solve the food needs of today and the future. Poor farmers in tropical countries face problems such as crop pests, drought and low soil fertility (Paarlberg, 2003). These are the people who annually struggle to produce enough food for their families. Bugs, drought and disease destroy many acres of farmland every year. Fortunately scientists are creating GM crops with built in resistance to insects and diseases. GM Crops are also being developed that can grow in deserts or near salt water which allows more area for farming (Fairley Gaskins, 2011). Because GM crops are now being built in with these resistances farmers wont experience huge financial setbacks caused by pests killing their plants. Since the majority of malnutrition people in the world live in developing countries this opens up the opportunity for them to increase crop yield and provide enough food for everyone. Also, in developing countries people often have to survive off a single staple that own its own doesnt supply sufficient amounts of nutrients. Food scientist hope to solve this problem by creating crops equipped with vitamins and minerals. According to Tyson, one of the most promising is golden rice, which can stimulate our bodies to generate vitamin A. In the developing world, vitamin-A deficiency kills two million children each year (Tyson, 2001). A development through GM foods may be able to save two million people which would be a life changing breakthrough. Scientists are also trying to perfect eatable vaccines. They are genetically adding vaccines to tomatoes and bananas, since traditional vaccines are expensive to manufacture and require specialized storage. Eatable vaccines, will be easier to transport, store, and administer in third world countries (Tyson, 2001). Biotechnology holds unlimited potential for areas of the world where poverty and poor agricultural conditions make farming challenging. The U. S. needs to ensure the people of these countries that GM food is safe and will be nothing but beneficial to their people. Genetic engineering is a crucial factor in agricultural productivity and if it continues to safely expand it could help meet the problematic food challenges that have already started. Genetic engineering holds great possibilities that could change the world. Simply peeling back a banana infused with antibiotics could be the next breakthrough science has to offer. Biotechnology continues to show safety is not an issue. GM farmers are now administering fewer chemicals on their crops. This reduces the amount of air pollution and water contamination in the environment. Genetic modifications were being made since farming started. Farmers always crossed bred the most successful plants year to year and without any concerns from the public. Today, scientist have a better understanding of how genetic modifications work making it safer for the consumers. However, government regulations are still implemented just for precautionary purposes. The United States is fortunate enough to grow numerous varieties of crops and also have the ability to choose the method of how they are grown. Unfortunately, not every country has these advantages. Genetically modified products allow these developing nations to grow crops at a more productive rate. Commercialization of genetically modified agriculture needs to be strictly monitored to make sure regulations are followed. Over industrialization of farming today is negatively viewed therefore making it essential that a golden mean is set for genetically modified products. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Fairley, P. , Gaskins, P. (2000). Food Fight!. _Scholastic Choices_, _15_(8), 16. CONKO, G. , MILLER, H. I. (2011). The Rush to Condemn Genetically Modified Crops. _Policy Review_, (165), 69-82. World Health Orginization.(2002). Retrieved from website: http://www. who. int/foodsafety/publications/biotech/20questions/en/index. html Tyson, P. T. (2001, April 12). _Harvest of fear_. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/harvest/exist/ Prakash, C. (2000). Genetically engineered crops can feed the world!. Retrieved from http://www. 21stcenturysciencetech. com/articles/biotech. html Paarlberg, R. L. (2003). Reinvigorating genetically modified crops. _Issues in Science and Technology, 19_(3), 86-92. Retrieved from http://ezproxy. sju. edu/login? url=http://search. proquest. com/docview/195920735? accountid=14071.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Case Study Career Aspirations Analysis Education Essay
Case Study Career Aspirations Analysis Education Essay A career is a job market as well as of the individual career seekers interest and skill. By examining the job market, those interested in careers can learn what jobs are available and in demand now and what jobs will be available and in demand in the future. Career in essence is a series of related jobs towards the fulfillment of a set of individual goals that provide a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. My career aspiration is be to be a General Manager. To fulfill my needs, I have to do a lot of thing to get it. There are four general individual characteristics affect how people make career choices, which is Interest where they believe match their interest, Self-image where an extension of a persons self image as well as molder of it, Personality which is personal orientation and personal needs and lastly Social backgrounds which is social economic status, educational and occupation level of a persons parents. Yes I choose my career from this characteristic. I believe in myself that one day Ill be general manager. This is because my believed is really matched what I want to be in future. The type of company that I would like to work is in a international company. It because by working there I can challenge myself to achieved my goals. This has been a aspiration for me since Im small to be general manager. This is because most of my family members are working in high post in a big c ompany. So I said to myself that one day I also want to be like them. I knew something about this high post general manager from my family members, they told me and teach me some important. I have choose this because I want my personal looks to be formal, in a very standard way. By working in this area I can gain more knowledge because of the rapid change and growth in the business where most business is going global now days. In that, I also can gain more profit faster if the business that Im doing is successful. According to John Hollands theories, the personality types and working environment has been divided into six types which is realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. Investigative gives more interest in intellectual activities where it must be a idea and theories for someone who does a work. Enterprising is a type concerned with action and with achieving result through other people, enjoy leading and persuading for an entrepreneur and representative. This both theories really suits me because I have the criteria in it. Besides that, Career Anchors by Edger Schein function also had suits me. This career wants a person perception about his or her own talents, motive and values tended to evolve into a relatively stable pattern. Identifying ones area of contribution in the long run, this has inspire my career in working in a managerial role. I also like to learn more than one thing after fully understanding the first thing. I like to move forward every ti me and gain extra knowledge in new field. I strongly decided that this field that Im choosing for my career is well suits with my personality test. In that test my result is ENFJ. I really concern about myself when Im out with people because Im harmonious. Im very respect person, harmony, and loyal to thing that I do. I will take a risk to do job, because I want to achieve my goal and I know I have to take a risk. If I really cannot take it something that has fail my success I will regret it and will ignore it. I know by doing that I can try for second time. But it will be a bit had for the first time to hear the truth. I will be happy if I get to create something new where it can give me a lot of profit in my life. Im also ready to hear about others problem because I have the ability to solve problem. Sometimes I will confused whether which decision shall I take, but after reading all the thing carefully I will take my decision, and I wont follows others in that. 1.2 Skill Required When choosing an occupation it is very important to be skillful. Skill can be divided into basic skills and related skills. When talking about related skills we can discuss on the skills that are related to the specific job. Basic skills that are needed to be in a job can be similar to one another but will different when it comes to carrying out a specific task. The basic skills that have in myself is athletics. I can do coaching, team sport and individual sport. I have a football skill. I start coaching long time ago by helping my school teacher to train his team. Other than that, my communication skill is very good. My grammar, speaking style, listening and writing is also good. I practice my listening from other people talk and talking on phone and also talk good English to all my friends. This is how I practice my communication skills. A outdoors activities skills like farming and animal care is my aspiration skill. I learn farming from my dad, in he will always do farming and I will help him and from here I got the skill. The related skill that I have choose to be General Manager is organizing, making decision, managing time, solving problem, leading and owing or operating a business. I used to make own decision at times at college. Its like a group of my friends planning something and I will make a decision and they will listen to me. I will be on time if I go out. I want to be a good time making if I go out. This will practice me when I start my work in future. Solving a problem is my main concern, because I used to solve many of mime and my friend problem very well. I dont this to be happened very often in life. Sometimes I will lead my brothers business, he will tell me what to do and not. Im creative in making idea and very imaginative. A skill of a General Manager can be more diverse and be more general in nature to classify in any area of management or administration. The other skill that may see of a General Manager is personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. In some organizations, the duties of general and operations managers may overlap the duties of chief executive officers. By looking at these related skills of being General Manager it is seen that I have to improve and develop myself so I could achieve my career development goal and aims in future. When being a General manger it is very important for an individual to be knowledgeable and wide thinking so in any consequence the companys growth will not decline. 1.3(a) Strength Looking at my strong educational background, I have completed my Foundation Studies in Business 1 year ago and now Im doing my degree in International Business. From here I have the knowledge of the theories which I have studied for foundation. I can contribute my knowledge to others because I have the strength to do so. Below is my strength: Very punctual Creative Able to do something without anyone help Understanding in everything Friendly to everyone Very hardworking Good listener Good in creating Ideas Brave in doing anything Good in resolving problem Good in handling problem Good in giving Counseling Maintain thing well Managing time Tolerant Being a good group leader Looking at all my Strength, I have done everything at above and I know that I can do that. this is because being a good group leader can bring me to the top of leader board for a management. I can handle and solve complains, diversify works to my members, being patience and also calm down any serious situation. This is the most important characteristics needed by a good group leader. I know from here becoming a group leader will bring me to success when I become General Manager. A General Manager also will have all kind of this job working together and gain more things from it. In college, a task I given to us by our lecture and we need to choose 1 group leader. They had selected me as group leader because I have the ability to work hard, to things together, and also can solve problem if my members dont know. Other than that, I can be a good listener, member will talk and I will listen to them. Punctual is the key word, I used to be very early and will push my friends to reach at col lege early to start our work, and they listen to me. This is because Im the group leader so I feel proud and this will happen when I become a General Manager. 1.3(b) My Weakness Like to do things very fast without knowing it Language Problem Do work at last minute Take things easily My main weakness is my language problem. At college when I talk to Chinese student from China, they wont really understand English. They can only speak in Chinese language. This is what my main problem, because it might give an effect to me in future when Im dealing with customer. To solve this problem, I have to start learn English. In order for me to communicate with them, I must take sometimes to get to know them well. Section 2 Experience 1: Working After finish my SPM (secondary educational level), I worked at my uncle office as admin officer. I worked there for almost 4months before joining Stamford College. My work at first is to check all the old report and then have to clean it up. It was fun working at that way. After that I has given a task to work out with 1 employee regarding about his work. From here I really gain a lot of profit knowledge. Although I dont have knowledge about the work Im doing, but I had been guided by my uncle. Microsoft word and excel is the main subject for my working period. I have to list down the company rough account with guides from my uncle. I learn how to improve language while working, my computer skill been improve and also has solve a problem without telling to my uncle. It really gave me the exposure of office life where it increases more interest to remain in this particular field where I can actually prosper. During my working period I learn a lot of thing and it has gave me a working life style. Dress code everyday must be formal and its like a practice for me in future. When we study we dont exactly get the picture of working life. I learn to be more responsible where it really help me to organize myself. By learning all this skills I can always improve my skills because it is very important at least to have this basic requirement. For my working experience, this has gave me roughly idea how to manage myself and this can help me to my future career aspiration as a General Manager. Experience 2: Student As a student I have learn how to do my assignment without others help, exam, presentation and group project. Every subject at college has a task of assignment to do. This is given to student is because, they want student to learn doing things together and in group. For assignment, I will do research in web and find details about the task. Exam is where we will train our self to see how far we have learnt something during a certain period. From here will really push our self to achieve a good goals of mark. Presentation will be done in a group in my college. We will communicate between friends to do a work. Group project is where all members will sit together and complete a task together. This work as student is testing how far we can do something with individual and with friends. Exam we get to learnt how to write, think, how to organize something and how to manage our time management by reaching before the exam start. For assignment I learnt how to do research on net, analysis and do work in computer. Presentation I learnt oral studies with my group members about how to do, complete and research for the work. Group project is to see our team work. I was the group leader and I see that team work in my group is very well going. Experience 3: Society/Activity Final experience that I want to share is when I became a captain for my futsal team in college. From here I learnt a lot of thing about how to manage things carefully. Im a vice president of badminton club in my college. Being a team captain for my futsal team is very hard task. I learnt how to make strategies and manage my team while playing on field. Vice president works is enjoyable because I been very friendly to everyone who just join the club, get to give my experience to the junior who dont really know how to play and manage my work with arranging all the student info in details. Section 3: Objective 1 The first objective that I want to set is to find part time job on my semester break. To gain more knowledge of working style is my main target and how to solve things easily. The action that I have to take is to search job in internet and newspaper. I will do this in this 2years time because I have 2 more years to go to complete my degree. Objective 2 My second objective is I would like to set to learn Mandarin. This is because I want to improve my listening and speaking skills in this language. The actions I have taken to improve in this language is by attending for the language classes. Other than that, even to improve faster, I will start to mix around with those who have knowledge about this language. I will attend for this class during my semester break. The class will be on every weekend only for 2hours. I want to do in weekend because I will be busy on weekdays because I have classes to attend. Objective 3 My final objectives is to learn about computer programming which is basically gives more importance to internet usage. I want to learn this because computer programming is very important in today s world. To do so, I have to attend for classes in order to get the specific knowledge about using the internet. I will ask any of my friends to recommend for me a better centre that offer this program or else I will ask my brother to teach me because he is good and have experience in computer programming. I will tell my brother to give me a class for this computer programming every day for 1hour because Im staying with him. Curriculum Vitae Ravinder Singh Toor Current Address: Main Address: 88, Jalan 14/15, Section 14 958, Lorong Anggerik Kanan 3,58000 Petaling Jaya, Bandar Sunggala, 71050PD,Selangor Darul Ehsan. Negeri Sembilan. Tel: 016-6560217 DOB: 4 APRIL 1989 E-Mail: [emailprotected] To fulfill all the needs that a company want and will come up with great ideas to bring the company into a upper level of successfulness. Education 2008-2011 Currently doing my Degree in BA(Hons)International Business Average point for Year1: 66% Module: Introduction to Economics, Governing Business Activities, Accounting and Its Regulatory Framework, People Organizations Management, Marketing Principle and Practice, International Entrepreneurship. 2006-2008 Foundation Studies in Business(FSB) at Stamford College. 2002-2006 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM) at Sekolah Tinggi Port Dickson. Experience 2005 Work part time as Waiter. 2006 Work at Damai Jaya Shipping Trading as admin. Academy/Society Sport- Football captain (2008-2009) Badminton- Vice President (2009) Toast Masters member Interest Like working in a area where I can develop my experience and learn new thing. Skills Good in Microsoft Office, Excel and Power Point. Good in handling and solving problem. Language- Excellent English and Bahasa Malaysia.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
The novel Lord of the Flies is obviously a fiction novel, not a real story. But that said it has a lot of real life morals that we can relate to and even compare and contrast to our everyday life. It takes morals from our everyday life and even history of humans, some biblical perspectives even. Some topics are how the island can be represented as the Garden of Eden, the fight for leadership, struggle to survive, and the symbolism of the conch. First we’ll look at the biblical view; the island is like the Garden of Eden. The island was described as perfect and a paradise, then the plane crashed and the boys came. The book describes the island with beauty and majesty and just a great place to be- a tropical paradise. If we take a look at the bible in Genesis, it describes the Garden of Eden the same way, no sin, no danger, nothing bad. Then the influence of man came. The plane in LotF makes a scar on the island when it crashes, making the island imperfect, the boys quarrel and fight, the spill the pigs blood on the surface, start fires, build homes, the boys basically colonize the island in their own little way, and in the end, basically burn the whole thing. Same with the Garden, God makes the Garden of Eden beautiful, and perfect. The trees, animals, and everything else all live together. Then the serpent comes and tempts the woman, whom gives to the man, and then the fall happened. Man’s sinful nature sh ows through in both these stories, all that was good and beautiful is destroyed by man. The fight for leadership is a huge conflict in this story, maybe even the main one. Ralph has the good leader figure about him; he finds the conch and makes sit a symbol of power almost. It is something that in the beginning can con... ...s boys do. These boys in the book though take these actions to a new level, they murder two of the boys with them, burn the island, hunt to live but also brutally kill the pigs to. But in the end they are only young immature boys, when the captain comes in the end then the author describes Jack, this great, powerful, barbarian leader just a small lost boy chasing other boys with spears made of rocks tied to sticks. They end up being nothing more. The novel Lord of the Flies is obviously a fiction novel, not a real story. But that said it has a lot of real life morals that we can relate to and even compare and contrast to our everyday life. The boys on the island have relatable situations to us in our world today and the world in the past. The fiction novel is a great book, the author makes connections between the two worlds, and they are easily distinguishable.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
All Quite On The Western Front Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"All Quiet On The Western Front†          World War I was a fierce and very disturbing time for many people. During war people will stretch their own personal boundaries and limits just to stay alive. Although every solider was someone’s son, by the end of the war this was not a factor. By thinking of an enemy as less then human, the act of killing someone’s son was a little easier on the minds of each soldier. To everyday people it is apparent that the war changes people, but the extent of the change is not so easy to see. This change is symbolized in the movie, â€Å"All Quiet On The Western Front.†     At the beginning of the movie, Paul Baumer and his friends were excited about the war. Their teacher Mr. Kantorek, had put a theory in their heads that war was a patriotic duty. If you loved and wanted to support your country, then going to war was a must. With this theory in your head, the act of war is a very difficult thing to handle. Paul realized that war was a horrible place to be. Yes you were fighting for your country, but at the same time all of your friends and family were dying around you. In the end was it really worth it? This was the question that ended up on Paul’s mind, and was a question that would not be soon to leave his conscience.      Paul was a good boy. He had a good education, was a non-smoker, and had many friends. His teacher was amazed a...
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